• They all say that money is a bastard, but it's really beautiful.
  • How touching it was at the beginning, there will be more than ten thousand disasters later.
  • There are two kinds of people who are the dumbest in the world, one is you, the other is like you.
  • Love really needs courage to accept, no one loves again and again.
  • I was poor, so the National Day at home, to avoid a festival.
  • Why is God always jealous of talents? Because nobody cares how long a fool lives.
  • When you need help most, only ghosts will help you.
  • I'm not Zhuge Liang, and I don't have a straw boat, but why do you keep coming to me?
  • Thanks to those who knocked me down on the road ahead, because it's really comfortable to lie down.
  • I mustered up courage to face the reality, but found that courage is really just gas.
  • A lazy crowd wears small clothes, and their salary is naturally cool.
  • Stupidity is not so terrible. After all, jellyfish have no brains and have lived for 600 million years.
  • Love at first sight is beautiful. Deliberation is lack of money.
  • I thought I could get hold of my little sister by holding her hand, but I didn't expect her to be Thousand Hand Avalokitesvara.
  • Work hard if you are poor! If you don't work hard, how can you be in debt.
  • If you don't give up one second, you will be even more desperate next time.
  • Where is the best place to see the scenery on National Day? The answer is, circle of friends.
  • National Day, where are you stuck?
  • Time is a butcher's knife, but he has no way to get ugly people.
  • You can't wake someone who doesn't return your message, but red envelopes can.
  • Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you still believe this sentence.
  • I was poor before I was 38, but I will get used to it later!
  • Don't be too confident. You may trust the wrong person.
  • There was no way in the world. When there were more people walking, the teacher began to call the roll.
  • It's not that people make fun of you, but that you are the joke itself!
  • I have taken more selfies with my beautiful mobile phone, and I don't know how ugly I am.
  • My head is not empty. I am the person who wants to make great achievements, but the chaos is just beginning.
  • How great is being rich? Being rich is really amazing.
  • Work, love and life are not smooth? Look in the mirror and you will understand many things.
  • When quarreling with an object, don't investigate the cause of the quarrel first, but find out how he is emboldened.
  • Sleep until your hand cramps, count your money until you wake up naturally.
  • When you meet a girl you like, you should be brave to express your love. Only when you take the initiative can you know that she has her name.
  • The moon represents my heart, pitted and cold.
  • The friendship between girls is like a plastic flower, which is fake but never withers.
  • When I woke up in the morning, I thought I had grown up. It turned out that the quilt was covered
  • How do you know that you are not the result of your parents' contraceptive failure?
  • Although I earn less, I save more. Yesterday Ferrari saved more than two million yuan.
  • Why God closes the door for you is not because you are invisible.
  • Don't think that the world will turn faster without you.
  • Many people like to make a mountain out of a molehill in life. In fact, it is really unnecessary to think about how to deal with a mountain out of a molehill.
  • My social phobia mainly comes from low income. ​​​
  • It's not that others look down on you, but that others can't see you.
  • The boss said that as long as we work hard, he can change Maserati next year.
  • Nothing is happier than sleeping late, except getting up late.
  • Heart pricking? Does not exist! Where does the heart not pierce?
  • You are always so stingy. You have broken several doors.
  • You give grass a little love, grass also gives you a green!
  • As long as I eat fast enough, I will never catch up with my weight!
  • People who have ulterior motives for you, after all, are also intentions. ​​​
  • It doesn't matter whether you are beautiful or not. The beauty you want is the real beauty!
  • There is only one kind of worry when you are not full, and there are countless worries when you are full.
  • Life polishes your edges and corners to make you roll farther.
  • Don't always be so narcissistic. Beautiful women look at you more because you are so ugly.
  • If you suffer, don't drink water, or you will become dirty.
  • You'd better not keep me in mind. I don't like places with many people.
  • The right ear should be used when listening to the results, because the left ear is close to the heart, which may lead to sudden death.
  • Every time you want to save money, your IQ will reach its peak!
  • Whenever I take a brave step, God will timely and generously pave the way for me to go downhill.
  • When I make friends, I never care whether he has money or not. Anyway, he is not as poor as me.
  • When you love someone, you must tell her so that you can know how much she hates you.
  • The beautiful leather bags are the same, and the interesting soul weighs more than 200 kg.
  • Gui is not the defect of iPhone, poor is your defect.
  • Don't say sorry to me, because I can neither forgive you nor stab you to death.
  • The aunt who spread pancakes said that she earned thirty thousand yuan a month, and you are not short of an egg.
  • The man riding a white horse may not be a prince, but a monk from the Tang Dynasty!
  • You are a serious person. You help others conscientiously and try all the mistakes.
  • You say you are ugly. I think you are not only ugly, but also telling the truth.
  • The garbage is still picked up by my parents. How about you?
  • No one can make you give up your dream. If you try it yourself, you will give up.
  • Can you be sincere to me? Certainly. I really don't like you.
  • Heart is higher than sky, life is thinner than paper.
  • Although you are single, you are as fat as two people.
  • Maybe sleep is the real form of human activity. No wonder I always can't wake up.
  • Difficulties may be late, but never absent.
  • When you lose weight, you will find that your ugliness has nothing to do with losing weight.
  • Softness of heart is not a disease. It's fatal when you turn around.
  • Don't think that everyone around you is targeting you. When you think about it, the whole world is targeting you.
  • Money can't buy happiness, it must be that your money is too little!
  • If you are not happy with your money, you are spending it in the wrong way.
  • Only when you eat bitterly can you know how hard it is.
  • When looking for an object, don't just look at the other person's appearance, but first look at your own appearance!
  • People's hearts are weak, so don't be tough without strength!
  • Once I wanted to be a special person, but now I have succeeded. Now I am very sad and helpless.
  • If you want to buy a Porsche Cayenne, please ask the friends who bought it, where did you get your money from!
  • Follow your heart, Translation into Chinese is just one word.
  • No reply from others. Keep waiting. You will wait for her circle of friends.
  • As long as the Kung Fu deep iron pestle is ground into a needle, but the person who really grinds the iron pestle into a needle is absolutely a fool.
  • Come back with me. I'll send you my wedding invitation.
  • Dreams still have to be there, in case of ghosts?
  • Looking back on the past, I didn't go straight once.
  • With a lofty ambition, you can't bind a chicken with your hands.
  • Although others seem to be doing well, they are actually doing well behind their backs.
  • If no one holds hands, I will take the bag.
  • Heart is a great poet, but mouth is a poor editor.
  • Every time you spend money, you say your wallet is dripping blood, but your wallet has lost too much blood and died.
  • The reality is that you have been shot dead on the beach before the front wave started.
  • You can't do two points, neither can you do this, nor can you do that.
  • My principle, only three words, depends on the mood.
  • I don't understand why you should pinch your legs and rub your eyes when something good happens to you. What if you wake up?
  • Whether you are two or no two, two is there, no three no four.
  • Edison searched for the filament thousands of times to make you a durable light bulb.
  • When I eat dirt, I feel that beggars are happier than me.
  • If you don't force yourself, you don't know what despair is.
  • For the poor, if life is not tired, it is not called life!
  • Everyone praises you for your beauty. There are traces of PS.
  • As long as you keep learning every day, the final victory must belong to the person who plays well in the examination room.
  • When I think of you, my ugly face smiles.
  • You can either work very hard or be very smart to barely live a mediocre life.
  • When God closes the door for you, he will also pinch your brain.
  • Opportunities are always left to those who have the heart and face.
  • You are in my heart, just like the stars in the sky.
  • Shushan has its own way. It's your fault that you don't have a rich life.
  • Every day we should have new expectations, so that we can have new disappointments.
  • Did I live for 16 years, or did I live for one day and repeat for 16 years?
  • If you think from the perspective of others, one day you will find that you have lost yourself.
  • Ugly Why? I can't see it myself. It's you who are disgusting!
  • If you have something to tell me, I can't solve it anyway.
  • Three minutes is doomed, seven minutes depends on hard work, and 90 minutes depends on face.
  • You are not unprepared for anything. At least you are ready to fail.
  • I only have eyes for you, because your big face makes me unable to see others.
  • No matter how good your makeup is, it can't cover your ugly after removing it.
  • I met you at the most beautiful age. I want to say that I was really unlucky!
  • You must believe that tomorrow will be better and better to turn you into a dog.
  • Nine year compulsory education should open ventriloquism class. After all, there will be too much talk when you grow up.
  • Do you live by the sea? Such a wave.
  • Those who are good-looking can only be called foodies, while those who are not good-looking can only be called losers.
  • If you really want to do something well, the world will stand in your way.
  • If I can lose weight through my wild imagination, I may have only my soul left now.
  • People need to work hard. After you work hard, you will find that you are really ordinary.
  • There are no unsolvable problems, but there are unsolvable problems.
  • Thought has given us too much freedom, and we are dragging thoughts down!
  • It's said that the Ghost Gate is about to open in July. You are not alone at all.
  • Losing weight is a big thing. Let me have enough food first, and then make a good plan.
  • I don't want to get married and have children, which is my consciousness as a poor person.
  • When you become good enough, you realize that she just doesn't like you.
  • If you like a girl, work hard to earn more money, and then pay more.
  • I'm not afraid of being poor or ugly, or of being single?
  • Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die.
  • The early bird catches the worm, but you are the worm.
  • After a long time of not opening QQ, I found that only Tencent News cared about you.
  • Rich people are close to me, rich people are far away from me!
  • If you live well, how can I sleep.
  • Do you think today is the worst day? Tomorrow will change your opinion.
  • There is no obstacle in life, only one obstacle after another.
  • The world is so big, I want to see if there are plastic bottles.
  • Your beauty is invisible to others, and your ugliness is clear at a glance.
  • Young people should not always think about taking shortcuts. Strong parents are the absolute principle.
  • You can't break a broken jar. You have to break it hard!
  • Your plan is like a snack. After eating it, it will be a fart.
  • Only by carrying the blame for the leader more often will the leader treat you as a fool.
  • Some people appear in your life to tell you how deceitful you are!
  • Don't say you are a single dog. In fact, you may not be as good as a dog
  • If the world doesn't want you, you should remember that I still have you, and I don't want you either.
  • Give your favorite girl a lipstick. At least she has your sense of participation when kissing others.
  • Squat down and touch your own shadow. I'm sorry, you've been wronged by following me.
  • Don't think about losing weight all day long. Does your mouth agree with you?
  • It doesn't matter that you are short and poor now. You should believe that one day you will become short and poor
  • Occasionally, I still have to go out for a walk to know how comfortable I am in bed.
  • You don't have nothing. You are still ill.
  • When I am angry, you must coax me and buy me food. I'll kill you when I'm full.
  • Do you think he likes you because he likes you? It's just a slip of hand.
  • Do you love your work? The work will wait for you there.
  • If you look the same as the selfie, why don't you have a boyfriend.
  • Go out and start your own business when you have less money to work for. It is guaranteed that you will lose all your money.
  • When others pick up girls after work, you meet them after work.
  • Even if it is salted fish, you are not the saltiest one.
  • You are never lonely, because you don't want to make friends with you even when you are lonely.
  • If one day I disappear, even if my friends and lovers will not find me, the bank will also find me crazily.
  • It's said that it's raining in your city. I don't know if you have an umbrella. If you take this rain, it will be white.
  • Everyone else has a background, but I only have my back.
  • Don't care about the current low. There is still a long way to go in the future.
  • There is no end to learning.
  • Don't care too much about the eyes of others, because no one will pay attention to you.
  • You can't ignore your ugliness just because you are fat.
  • Hope is always here, and you miss it every moment.
  • You haven't viewed the world. Where does your world view come from?
  • There is no empathy, it is all standing talking without backache.
  • I used to buy lottery tickets every day, but one day, I can't even afford to buy lottery tickets.
  • Give your dreams wings, you can't fly anywhere.
  • Since you have already swept the world behind you, why turn around and mess around.
  • No matter what kind of alienation we become, a red envelope can return to the original.
  • The cold of looking through the autumn water can never be compared to the cold of wearing pants.
  • If the deposit is negative, the house is rented, there is a bicycle, and it is shared.
  • Love is a double-edged sword. One side cuts you very hard, and the other side also cuts you very hard.
  • I made a plan for the holiday, and only finished P after half the summer vacation because of the lan.
  • A horse never stops its hooves, and you never stop its mouth.
  • Say "You are great" to the mirror every day. Soon, the mirror will become a great mirror.
  • If my life is a movie, then you are a pop-up advertisement.
  • Those who look good may not be good people, but may be fraud groups.
  • If one day you find yourself getting rich overnight, slap yourself. Wake up and don't be late for work.
  • Where there is plenty of grass in the horizon, they all grow in other people's homes.
  • You feel lonely. It doesn't matter. You still have a mobile phone.
  • If you are ugly, you should exercise more, so that you can beat others when they say you are ugly.
  • If time can go back, it must be that you are dreaming.
  • When heaven was about to place a great responsibility on these people, he had to work hard first, and then heaven changed his mind.
  • Emotion can be run in if you look at your face.
  • No matter what happens, where you fall, just lie down for a while.
  • Only the vending machine has left lights for you in the middle of the night.
  • Others are always shining gold, and you will spend it.
  • Fear of ghosts is really naive. Let me show you people's hearts.
  • If you think you are busy every day, it must be your illusion. Dogs must be less busy than you.
  • If you have a rough life in the first half of your life, don't worry too much. You will adapt in the second half of your life.
  • Despair is not in a certain moment, but in every moment.
  • People fall in love by looking romantic and burning money, while you are blind by the other person.
  • I don't know how many peaks you can cross before you succeed. Anyway, you can't escape two peaks sooner or later.
  • In fact, you are not useless. At least in summer, you can feed mosquitoes.
  • Some people have a shiny surface, but in fact, the boat socks have slipped to the foot plate.
  • The dark night will never mistreat those who sleep late. It will give you dark circles under your eyes and a body that is about to die suddenly.
  • Good looking bags have nothing to do with you. You don't have interesting souls.
  • Many times I felt I couldn't hold on, and then I gave up.
  • Don't worry, everything is the worst arrangement.
  • In fact, you also have the ability to lose weight.
  • Those who have really worked hard will understand how important talent is.
  • Eat fish tonight. I think you are very picky.
  • Knowledge gives you power, ignorance will give you more powerful, fearless and unpredictable power.
  • The non-toxic body carries the toxic vaccine. You taught me to be strong when I was young!
  • Life is different from riding a bicycle. Even going downhill will not be easy.
  • If others show their legs, they are beautiful. If you show your legs, you want to be hated.
  • If you have a large amount of money in front of you and a fan, what does it have to do with you?
  • It is not terrible to be poor. What is terrible is that I am the poorest person.
  • Staying up late is bad for your health. It is recommended to stay up all night.
  • Empress Wu has proved that success has nothing to do with gender, and you have proved that success has nothing to do with you.
  • I always thought that I would step back, but I didn't expect to fall down.
  • You look serious, just like the film on the overpass.
  • Good luck will come, but it will come to others.
  • Don't say that you are good at nothing. You are a good hand at staying up late playing mobile phones.
  • If you don't smile, you will be lucky!
  • Compared with ugliness, it is not worth mentioning.
  • The disappointments never let me down, and each time they really let me down.
  • If you have a brain disease, you can be cured. How good you are! You have no brain.
  • I ate it quietly, just as I became fat quietly.
  • After suffering, I finally became a servant.
  • You can't always look at what you don't have. Look more at what you have. Forget it. Close your eyes.
  • There is no hope to be a good man, but a bad man is not good at it.
  • Is there any good way to relieve the heat in dog days? The salary is naturally cool.
  • There are so many mental disabilities in the world, but you have become the best.
  • After lovelorn, cheer up. After all, there is another scum man waiting for you.
  • Work hard, every difficulty will overcome me.
  • When there is nothing to give up, don't forget that you can still give up treatment.
  • It doesn't matter to be a little poor, but more than a little.
  • I see two things in your eyes, one is sincerity, and the other is eyedropsy.
  • There is no cold person at all. It's not you who is warm!
  • All your sadness comes from your balance.
  • In fact, life ends after a certain node, and everyone is just waiting for the eggs.
  • Last year, we set a target deposit of 30000 yuan, but this year, we still need 50000 yuan.
  • Although you are short, your hairline is high.
  • There are two kinds of people who are the dumbest in the world, one is you, the other is like you.
  • They all say that money is a bastard, but it's really beautiful.
  • How touching it was at the beginning, there will be more than ten thousand disasters later.
  • I was poor, so the National Day at home, to avoid a festival.
  • Love really needs courage to accept, no one loves again and again.
  • Why is God always jealous of talents? Because nobody cares how long a fool lives.
  • I'm not Zhuge Liang, and I don't have a straw boat, but why do you keep coming to me?
  • When you need help most, only ghosts will help you.
  • Thanks to those who knocked me down on the road ahead, because it's really comfortable to lie down.
  • A lazy crowd wears small clothes, and their salary is naturally cool.
  • I mustered up courage to face the reality, but found that courage is really just gas.
  • Love at first sight is beautiful. Deliberation is lack of money.
  • Stupidity is not so terrible. After all, jellyfish have no brains and have lived for 600 million years.
  • I thought I could get hold of my little sister by holding her hand, but I didn't expect her to be Thousand Hand Avalokitesvara.
  • Work hard if you are poor! If you don't work hard, how can you be in debt.
  • If you don't give up one second, you will be even more desperate next time.
  • Where is the best place to see the scenery on National Day? The answer is, circle of friends.

It's purely funny entertainment. Please explain the source for reprinting( https://www.51it.wang

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