Since June 6, the speed of fetching Docker images has been very slow. I just sent it some time ago《 The dockerhub source of the University of Science and Technology of China is no longer available, and some alternative images are shared 》Now, the directly available domestic docker acceleration stations have successively issued stop announcements in the past two days. As long as the docker source is affected more or less, it is inexplicably unable to pull images. In any case, even if your company has done private services, it is impossible not to synchronize upstream. The impact is still great without an acceleration source. Many operations and maintenance personnel have been dealing with this matter overnight.

The following are the stop announcements of several stations intercepted at random, which need not be guessed. It is mentioned in the announcement issued by Shanghai Jiaotong University for the first time“ Receive notification from superior ”、“ Regulatory Requirements ”It can be clear that all domestic enterprises will be shut down.

Announcement of Shanghai Jiaotong University

 Multiple dockers The mirror station is shut down, and the O&M does not sleep at night?

Nanjing University Open Source Website Announcement

 Multiple dockers The mirror station is shut down, and the O&M does not sleep at night?

According to online reports, more domestic mirror stations, including Github CDN, NPM, python pip, Openwrt opkg and other uncensored mirror stations, have been removed from the shelves. The wall is getting higher and higher. It's no wonder that some people from the three operators said that the network fluctuated in the forum some time ago. It is estimated that the function of the wall is being tested hahahaha. Is it true that the wall is going to break away from the big Internet.

Personally, I guess the reasons may include foreign sanctions, AI related big model development, and new alternatives in China.

As software developers, they are advocating localization. Let's get used to it slowly. So is the Internet really cool? Have you changed careers for GFW O&M brothers?

Finally, I want to restart dockerd and reload the configuration file, but I'm afraid that restarting the container will affect the online business method:
Docked reload configuration. Docked will not be restarted:

 Kill - SIGHUP $(pidof docker) # Send a SIGHUP signal to docker, and docker will reload after receiving the signal

Configure the docker live restore so that the container will not be restarted when the docker is restarted. Edit the file/etc/docker/daemon. json and add the following configuration: After the configuration, execute reload again

 { "live-restore": true }

Check whether the configuration is effective:

 docker info | grep -i live

You should see Live Restore Enabled: true