Navicat 16.2. x has upgraded its connection to support Redis, so developers do not need to download RDM, a Redis visualization tool alone. Therefore, this upgrade is quite comfortable. This time, instead of cracking the activation code, it uses the unlimited trial of patches. Theoretically, random upgrades will not fail.


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Download address

Download address: Click this Lanzuo online disk to download at a high speed

Password: 51it

Edible steps

1. Uninstall the current Navicat and decompress the downloaded compressed package
2. Double click the Navicat.bat script in the unzipped file
3. Install the official original navicat162_premium_cs_x64.exe, Click here Go to the official website to download and install
4. After installation, do not open it. If it is already opened, exit it
5. Place the winmm.dll corresponding to your system version in the Navicat installation directory.
6. Completion


Screenshot of blogger's personal test version 16.2.10:

 Navicat 16.2. x latest cracked version

Screenshot of new feature connection to Redis:

 Navicat 16.2. x latest cracked version

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