
Claude is an AI software program designed to improve human-computer interaction experience. It communicates with users through text chat interface, understands users' questions and gives corresponding answers. It has no physical form and completely exists in cyberspace, so users cannot obtain any real personal information from it. It has a huge common sense knowledge base, covering almost all aspects of life. Users can ask it many common life questions, technical questions, etc., and it will give the best answers it knows.

However, its knowledge is still limited, far less than that of an ordinary adult, so it may not have a deep understanding of many complex issues. It will continue to learn and improve, and gradually expand its knowledge. When talking to users, it will try to give concise and satisfactory answers. But sometimes it may not be clear about the user's intention, which requires the user to ask again. If one of its answers makes users feel uncomfortable, please inform it in time. It will constantly improve its response based on user feedback. Its most important principle is "no harm". It will avoid taking the initiative to say something impolite or offensive to ensure that the process of communication with users is pleasant. Its only purpose is to provide users with convenient help, rather than to bring trouble to users. This is Claude's introduction. I hope you can have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of it now. If there is anything unclear, you can ask it directly during the chat. It is willing to answer any questions for you. This introduction was automatically generated by Claude and changed to the third person narration~


  1. Human computer interaction: Claude is an AI software program designed to improve human computer interaction experience. It can communicate with users through the text chat interface.
  2. Natural language processing: Claude has built-in natural language processing technology, which can understand the intention expressed by users and give corresponding answers.
  3. Huge knowledge base: Claude has a huge common sense knowledge base, covering almost all aspects of life, and can answer many common life questions and technical questions of users.
  4. Continuous learning: Claude will continue to learn and improve, gradually expand his knowledge, and constantly improve his answer according to user feedback.
  5. Respect for users: Claude's most important principle is "no harm". It will avoid taking the initiative to say something impolite or offensive to ensure that the process of communication with users is pleasant.
  6. Provide convenient help: Claude's only purpose is to provide convenient help to users, rather than to cause trouble to users.

Registration steps

Claude is an application in the slack. To use Claude, you must first register the slack platform workspace. The specific steps are as follows:

1. First Click this link , establish a workspace, enter an email and write the verification code. It is recommended to use a foreign email;

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

2. Name the workspace and click Next. Invite users to skip or operate according to the actual situation;

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

3. If you want to invite other members to enter the inviter's mailbox after the next step, if not, click to skip the next step.

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

4. New browser window in the logged in workspace Click this link Add Claude application and agree to authorize to add your own application permission.

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

5. On the left side of the work area, click Claude logo to start using. If Claude can't understand the language he speaks to you, you can tell him to use English or Chinese;

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial

6. You can start to ask questions about it in fun and enjoy it.

 ChatGPT free replacement product Claude registration detailed tutorial


In view of the difficulties of visiting ChatGPT in China, the blogger's use effect after experiencing Claude is really good, which is similar to NewBing's answer, and can be used to replace ChatGPT. After all, it is free to register this now and the response speed is also very fast. Interested friends can register for a trial according to the tutorial. This blog will continue to focus on AI related network resources and share them with everyone, AI is a trend in the future. Welcome to subscribe.

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