The film tells the story of Xiao Wu (Chang Yuan), who doesn't agree with his father Lao Wu (Wei Xiang) all the year round, who returns to the 1980s by accident and turns his father's first encounter with his mother, Mainland China (Ma Li). In order to correct this mistake, he tried his best to return to the past again and again, encouraging his mother to chase his father, and the funny farce continued to play. Will the fate of parents meeting and falling in love change because of Xiao Wu's intervention? How will the secrets sealed in my father's heart be gradually uncovered

 2022 Mahua Fun Warm Comedy "Hello Brother" Resource Sharing

Film Overview

◎ Hello, title brother
◎ Translated name: Give Me Five/Xiao Wu Ge/Xiao Wu Ge
◎ 2022
◎ Origin: Mainland China
◎ Category plot/comedy/fantasy
◎ Language Mandarin
◎ Release date 2022-09-09 (Mainland China)
◎ IMDb star evaluation ★★★★★★☆☆☆
◎ IMDb score 5.8/10 from 53 users
◎ Douban Star rating ★★☆☆
◎ Douban Score 5.1/10 from 53461 users
◎ Film length 111 minutes
◎ Director Zhang Luan/Luan Zhang
◎ Actor Ma Li/Li Ma | as Lu Chunli
Chang Yuan/Yuan Chang | Play Xiao Wu
Wei Xiang/Xiang Wei | as Wu Hongqi
Jia Bing/Bing Jia | Brother Shi Qiang
Huang Yuntong/Yongong Huang | As Qin Shiyu
Han Yanbo/Yanbo Han | Act as chief doctor
Zhang Yiming/Yiming Zhang | As the wedding host
Hao Pengfei/Pengfei Hao | As a peeping man
Li Yining
Li Zhihui/Zhihui Li | as Tang Guihua
Liu Yuqiao/Yuqiao Liu | As Song Fangling
Zhang Jiawen/Jiawen Zhang | Ornamental flower
Lu Ning/Ning L ü | as Zhao Jinlei
Wang Wei/Wei Wang | Ornamental Snack Shop Owner
◎ Screenwriter Dong Tianyi/Tianyi Dong
◎ Producer Hua Rong
Wang Wei
Lin Jiayi/Jackie C. Lin
Zeng Maojun/Maojun Zeng
Zhao Renpeng/Renpeng Zhao
Wang Yu/Yu Wang
Liu Zhichao
Wu Di

Resource download address

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