Just today, Alipay released an important notice, and I also have an important notice, hahahaha. Finally, I deployed and tested my graduation project online. Let's do this first, and then modify it if there is a problem later. It took nearly half a month, You can try to make an appointment. It is expected that the unified adjustment will start in September. Open Alipay Huabei directly, and there will be an additional option to set the repayment date. If you don't have --, I'm sorry that you are not in the appointment queue.

Key points of Alipay's adjustment of Huabei repayment schedule:

1. It is to adjust the repayment date, not not to pay
2. Two choices of new repayment date: the 15th and 20th of each month, choose one from the other
3. If you don't want to adjust, you can keep the original
4. It can only be adjusted once a year. Think clearly and move again
5. It needs to be adjusted manually
6. Make an appointment now, effective October
7. Don't worry about the things that haven't been lined up yet. I'm also waiting in the process of gradual opening up.

Try it if you are interested.
 Surprise! Alipay can make an appointment to adjust the repayment date of Huabei!

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