The person with ambition in mind is often a very self-discipline person.

During the Chongqing negotiation, Chiang Kai shek once said to his secretary Chen Bulei, "Mao Zedong should not be despised. He loves smoking as much as his life, but after he knew that I do not smoke, he would never smoke a cigarette during the conversation with me. His determination and spirit should not be underestimated!"

Self disciplined people are both terrible and respectable. If you are a partner, you should learn self-discipline from him; If you are an opponent, you should be mentally prepared.

I used to think that life is too short to be happy. If you have wine today, you will be drunk today. If you are not romantic, you will waste your youth. Until later, I gradually found that every act of self-discipline will bring you greater pain. Don't be slaves of desire. Self discipline can make us live a higher life.

The essence of freedom is not to indulge oneself, not to do everything, but to be comfortable after self-discipline, to do something and not to do something!
 Behind all excellence are ascetic self-discipline

01. Why should people be self disciplined?

Most of the time, we only see the excellent appearance of others, but often ignore their efforts that are almost masochistic.

Most people who are self disciplined to the core seem boring.

When others go out to play, they read books alone; Sweating in the gym while others are enjoying delicious food; On weekends, many people sleep lazily until noon. He still gets up early, runs, reads books, works

Such people not only look boring, but even feel self masochistic. They are not free and easy at all.

But the truth is that self-discipline is much freer than non self-discipline.

If you always follow your own inclinations, pay attention to instant gratification, and don't know how hard you work, others will play with you, while others will work hard and you will still play, and still indulge yourself.

So you, who are so unruly, seem free now, but you will find that the more you live, the less free you are and the less capital you have to choose.

Kant said that the so-called freedom is not arbitrary, but self domination.

The more self-discipline you have, the more you have the right to speak, both physically and in life.

One day, two days, and one month, two months may not be obvious, but one year, two years, or even ten or twenty years, self-discipline and non self-discipline people will eventually embark on a different path.

Paying is in direct proportion to the return. Only when the quantity changes enough can the qualitative change be achieved.

This is the reason why a person should be self disciplined. It has nothing to do with dreams. It is simply that he can be truly free in the future, and his body and life can be free.


The more self disciplined people are, the more they understand what they really want, so they will not waste their time and energy on meaningless things, but really use the fragmented time to grow themselves.

02. All outstanding people have ascetic self-discipline behind them

There are many people who need self-discipline, but there are few who insist on self-discipline. It's like climbing a steep mountain. The closer to the top of the mountain, the fewer people will be able to grit their teeth and keep going.

Good persistence is a kind of self-discipline.

I still remember last year, a 96 year old grandfather named Shen Hua became popular on the Internet. After 26 years of bodybuilding, he was physically strong, unlike an old man nearly 100 years old. Everyone called him "Andy Hua" and "Uncle Hua".

Old Shen's daily schedule is very regular. He never goes to bed more than 10 o'clock in the evening. He gets up at more than 4 o'clock in the morning to exercise. He reports to the gym every afternoon.

Many of his peers are no longer here. Old Shen said, "Fitness and exercise are my best friends now.".

Shen Hua, who was over 70 years old, first entered the gym, and always met many bad eyes. Many people think that he is too old to last long. But the reality is that many young people are just passing through the gym, but Shen Hua has become a well-known "muscle grandfather" in 20 years.

Haruki Murakami, a Japanese writer, started writing at the age of 30. It has been nearly 40 years since then, and has created a large number of classic and high-yield works.

Haruki Murakami has a habit of writing. He only writes 4000 words a day, 400 words a page, and stops writing 10 pages a day.

In addition, he will take an hour out to run every day. It is this high degree of self-discipline that enables him to produce excellent works continuously.

Most of the time, it is not the excellence that leads to self-discipline, but the self-discipline that leads to excellence. And those who are self disciplined often don't even have the heart to let them down.

03. The more self-discipline, the better

There is a saying in Cognitive Breakthrough: All laziness, indulgence and lack of self-control are rooted in limited cognitive ability.

The more self-discipline, the stronger cognitive ability, and the gap between people is gradually opened in this way.

There are infinite possibilities in a person's self-discipline. The degree of self-discipline determines the height of your life.

Everyone has the right to choose how to live. Some people think that life is short and it is no problem to have fun as soon as possible. But I want to tell you that a self-discipline life is actually better, because when you know where you want to go and go all out to run, the world will make way for you.

The people who can really climb the top and look into the distance are always those who focus on nothing and stick to moving forward.

May we truly become self-discipline ourselves, live as we like, and live the life we want.

There is no shortcut in life, but every step you take counts.

The original text is excerpted from the practice circle of WeChat public account. If it infringes, please comment and leave a message for me to delete

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