In Asiba, Alibaba Cloud disk out disaster level bug album backup full disclosure

At about 18pm Beijing time on September 14, the most serious production disaster bug in history appeared on Alibaba Cloud disks. Although it was repaired in just a few hours, the related documents were also reduced to hot search. As a programmer, this bug was definitely cracked. The emerging step was to create an album, create a folder, and select pictures by category, Then you will see the pictures and videos uploaded by other users through automatic backup. This means that a lot of privacy has been leaked, such as more private photos. It is estimated that because the filter does not take the userId filter to directly check all of them hahaha.

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The road to rebirth I do computer maintenance in Chengdu

A month ago, the strong mode of the fan of the self used laptop made a lot of noise. At night, the computer was forced to open the sleep mode, so I took a weekend to disassemble the laptop to see what the problem was. Anyway, it was disassembled, so I took the opportunity to clean the computer and replace the silicone grease. Laofen probably knows that I have been using the mechanical revolution Z2 (please pay for the mechanical revolution

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A sudden black screen on the computer prompted that there was no registration problem

In the first blog post of the Year of the Dragon, I wish you all the best in 2024! I returned to Chengdu early after the seventh day of the new year. After I came back, the community was just changing the water pipe fittings. The building where I lived was in the water cut-off area. The property management informed me that water would come at 17:30 on the 16th, but there was no water at 19:00 when I got home. So I cleaned up my things, washed, and went to bed early. After I came back, I turned on the computer and started the sleep mode, At about 3:00 in the middle of the night, the computer was suddenly woken up (because the computer fan was a little noisy when it was running). The remote computer on the mobile phone looked and found that it was a win

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It's a sheep after all

We escaped the first wave of sheep released last year, but we still did not escape the second wave of sheep. This time, we all said that we were trying to find and fill the missing people in the first wave. Indeed, the only few remaining sheep in the first wave of our company were sheep this time, with mild and severe symptoms. A colleague felt weak after work last Tuesday, and went back for a test.

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Design for change

Yesterday, I heard the senior system architect training organized by the company about using risk analysis to drive architecture design, and embracing change to design. I felt deeply. From the perspective of development, every developer hopes that Party A's needs will not change at any time, especially major changes, because the cost is really high. But the reality is that with the development of society and the online use of the system, it is necessary to always do a good job of feedback from the market and society, otherwise the software will only be eliminated. Therefore, in the development process, it is necessary to repeatedly confirm the needs, take into account the possible changes in the future, and minimize the risk in the development process.

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After working for 3 years, I finally got a salary increase of xx

Time flies. After three years of graduation, the epidemic situation has been more than two years. I have been in this company for three years. I remember that after 20 years of online thesis defense, I interviewed this company. At that time, considering the epidemic situation, my salary was not very ideal. However, through my own efforts and the approval of company leaders, I was given a salary increase, In the past three years, I have grown a lot, from internship to probation to formal employment, from mentoring to independent project development, I hope I can work harder to achieve my ideal life in the future~

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Travel in Qingcheng Mountain

This week, I finally took the time to climb the back of Qingcheng Mountain with my colleagues. This year is the eighth year of living in Chengdu, but there are few places to visit around Chengdu. I hope that in the next few years, I will dare to go out more when I am young, and I don't want to go far after I have a family. Retirement will be postponed to 65 years old, According to the current domestic "volume", retirement will not last for a few years.

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