The dockerhub source of the University of Science and Technology of China is no longer available, and some alternative images are shared

Today, on the last day of the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, it is almost raining intermittently. "It rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to die". The ancient people summed up this sentence too well, so stay at home today and take some time to update the online self built services. The main fear is that the security issues involved are not updated in time. Most services are deployed through dockers, After checking the official update progress of the service, all the updated ones that have been stable for more than 2 weeks have been updated to the latest version.

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ECS AliCloud 2H2G3M new and old share 99 yuan/year

The other day, Shuo Qiaoyin said that Alibaba Cloud had launched a cloud server for college students to use for development and debugging. In the past, students could buy servers at a low price as long as they passed the student certification discount. Now there is a Tencent Cloud server in hand that has expired, so they are ready to start a cheaper one for another three years, So the newly launched AliCloud 2H2G ECS can still be obtained. After all, it is not expensive, and the renewal price is also the same. The key is not to pit old users. Unlike a conscience cloud, there is too much difference between the old and new treatment. As the first batch of AliCloud users, who used several mainstream cloud manufacturers? Which is cheaper for individuals to use

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Navicat16.2. x latest cracked version

Navicat 16.2. x has upgraded its connection to support Redis, so developers do not need to download RDM, a Redis visualization tool alone. Therefore, this upgrade is quite comfortable. This time, instead of cracking the activation code, it uses the unlimited trial of patches. Theoretically, random upgrades will not fail.

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Quotes from Lei Jun's Annual Speech

From microblog~99% of the questions have standard answers. Ask someone who understands. One person may walk faster, but a group of people can walk farther. Knowledge is not all linear, most of them are network, and there is not necessarily an absolute priority relationship between knowledge points; If you can't understand the previous content and jump over it, it doesn't affect the learning of the following; After learning, sometimes it is easier to understand the front. It is not easy to run a company. It is not enough to have technology alone. There is still too much to learn. No matter how strong one's ability is, it is also limited. It is easier to succeed by finding complementary friends to work together. May your dreams shine through the years.

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Use Fail2ban to protect your Linux server

Are you worried about your server being brute force cracked? Are you still worried that frequent malicious requests will make your service unavailable? Today, I bring you an open source protection tool "Fail2ban", which will help you sleep soundly. The reason is that I have opened a public IP address in my home, which maps an intranet Linux machine to the outside, so that I can access my home from outside. Today, when I look at the log, my good guy, ssh login failed thousands of times. As a security conscious person, I must find a way to stop all this.

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The gradle and maven project configuration jar outputs the specified location

Normally, when our project is deploying CICD through Gitlab, the O&M will uniformly let us rename the compiled jar package file of java to be deployed and copy it to deploy/app.jar under the project root directory, and then uniformly reference a build script. At present, our project team has both gradeand maven projects, Basically, the plug-in is used to copy and rename to the specified location. Of course, gradle can simply copy by writing a script directly. Here are some configuration references, just for notes.

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All kinds of free GPT available address sharing (continuously updated)

This article is mainly about sharing all kinds of free GPT image sites available at home and abroad, aiming to reduce the threshold of Xiaobai's use. All addresses are shared on the Internet. Please do not use them for any commercial activities, do not guarantee privacy and security, and do not input important information about the company and learning. Since such websites are also heavily blocked in China, this article will continue to be updated. You are welcome to subscribe. If you have a good site to share with everyone, please leave a message in the comment area. For long-term use, it is recommended to build your own scheme.

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Open source ChatGPT cross platform desktop client ChatBox

Today, we recommend an open source ChatGPT API (OpenAI API) desktop client, Prompt's debugging and management tool, which supports Windows, Mac and Linux. It has the same speed as ChatGPT Plus. The data is stored locally and will not be lost. It has more free and powerful Prompt capabilities. It supports custom domain name agents, GPT-4 and other models, and provides installation packages without deployment.

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Navicat 16 Crack permanent activation patch

Navicat premium is a database management tool that can connect multiple databases. It allows you to connect to MySQL SQLite、Oracle、MariaDB、Mssql、 And PostgreSQL databases, as well as connecting Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud and Amazon Cloud product databases, make it more convenient for one management tool to manage different types of databases at the same time. All versions of CrackPass 16 and below shared this time.

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