Compilation Principle: From Getting Started to Giving Up

Before learning compilation principles, we should first know why we need to learn? Why do college courses offer compiler principles? This course focuses on the generation principle and technical problems of compilers, which seems to be unrelated to the basic field of computer. However, the compilation principle has always been a compulsory course for undergraduate students, and has also become a compulsory part of the postgraduate entrance examination. I think it is necessary to understand. The article should be summarized by myself to achieve the goal of passing the exam. If there is any mistake, please leave a message to correct it. Thank you~

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Java calls Tencent Cloud API to send SMS verification code tool class

At present, there are too many SMS verification code application scenarios, such as user registration, login verification, password retrieval, payment authentication, etc. We basically complete the verification of users through third-party SMS services. Of course, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud are more famous in China. Alibaba Cloud SMS communication is originally called 'greater than', but Tencent Cloud doesn't know much about it, Alibaba Cloud has SDKs and APIs on its official website, so Tencent Cloud is demonstrated here, because there are 100 free personal certificates every month!!

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Share 500 sets of exquisite resume templates sold by a treasure

It's May now, and it's time to share some resume templates with the kids who have been supporting this website. No matter you are a fresh student or have graduated, whether you are looking for a job or preparing to change jobs, I think that with my sharing of these resume templates, you can quickly attract the attention of hr and make you different.

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Win10 operating system command window cmd pit drainage

There is a big hole in the win10 command line. Today I met this situation, including watching several online teaching videos. Now I will take you to remove the hole. The main reason is that many of our programs need to be run in the background for testing, such as java jar xxx.jar, so that we can run a web project directly in the background, Then you will find that sometimes the project gets stuck and the website cannot be accessed. In fact, this is the reason:

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MongoDB Visualization Tool Studio 3T Cracking Tutorial

Recently, I was learning MongoDB, and then I used the command line to connect. I felt a headache, and it was not easy to modify if I typed wrong. Then I found a MongoDB visualization tool Studio3T that was easy to use, but the advanced features could only be tried for a month, so I tried to break it, and it was successful!

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