[Elite] Alipay Collection of Five Blessings

Alipay's annual activity of collecting five blessings and dividing 500 million red envelopes has started for several days. I wonder if you have synthesized the "five blessings". Now it is the experience of collecting five blessings summarized by the blogger these days, which can well complete this year's five blessings.

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Do you understand the most dirty technical interpretation?

Suppose you are a woman, and you have a boyfriend. At the same time, you are ambiguous with another boy, better than a friend, but not a lover. You can dump your current boyfriend at any time, and the other one can make up for it immediately. This is a cold backup. Suppose you are a woman and you are dating two men at the same time. Both of them are your boyfriends. And they also operate independently of each other. This is dual hot backup.

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Are you engaged in the five most profitable industries in the next five years?

What will our life be like in the future? Let's imagine that we can take our family to dinner in the evening, take out our mobile phone and click the attached restaurant. After reading the restaurant introduction, we can select a restaurant that is evaluated as good, delicious and affordable, get a membership card on our mobile phone, book a seat, and when the time comes, click the navigation to go directly to dinner without waiting in line.

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Syntax rules of regular expressions

Regular expression (in English: Regular Expression, which is often abbreviated as "regex" in code). A regular expression is a string that uses a single string to describe and define matching rules, and matches a series of strings that conform to a certain syntax rule. In development, regular expressions are often used to retrieve and replace text that conforms to a certain rule.

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[Elite] Recommend a completely free file recovery tool that supports mobile phones and PCs

Whether you deleted important files such as photos and videos of your mobile phone by mistake when you were mentally disabled, and whether a computer shortcut key caused the permanent deletion of files, what we recommend today is a completely free software for data recovery, which can perfectly recover files deleted by Android and Windows systems by mistake and retrieve files.

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[Elite] Alipay users can download papers from websites such as HowNet and Wanfang for free (super detailed)

It's the time for the annual academic paper again. Are you still worried about not being able to download the paper materials? Today, we bring you Alipay Sao operation, which is a free download of literature from nearly 160 national key databases, such as Wanfang, Zhiwang, Founder, China Arbitration, etc. You only need to have one Alipay account!

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