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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization BoosterX

BoosterX green version v2.0.7.0

  • Size: 31.5MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2024/03/02
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All
four point five branch
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BoosterX It is a system optimization tool that can help users to deeply optimize the computer system from multiple aspects, help users reduce system latency, improve the fps of the game, and enable game players to get a better experience. There are many optimization options available here. You can selectively optimize different settings according to your own preferences to get a better use experience.

 BoosterX picture

software function

Launch TweaX!

The AI assistant will help you optimize and eliminate problems related to computers.

Simple, fast and safe optimization method

Eliminate hysteresis, reduce latency, and improve FPS *.

Software features

10 000+

Daily optimized PC

2 200 000+

Users around the world

Based on the unique IP containing HWID requests

Up to 45% FPS lift*

Based on the average results of our users.

*FPS upgrade depends on your hardware.


All settings display their current status for easy control

matters needing attention

If your Bluetooth does not work, I can suggest several solutions:

1. Check the Bluetooth service. You need to ensure that the Bluetooth service is enabled and running. To do this, go to the Optimization page in

label: Computer optimization Hardware optimization

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