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The latest free version of Meiti v2.01

  • Size: 30.3MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: online learning
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: December 19, 2023
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All

Related software

Aesthetic question It is a very useful computer software. Users can create a question bank here, carry out online learning, help themselves to improve their scores, and you can also manage and organize examinations. It is very convenient, covering construction engineering, financial accounting, economic trade, etc., to meet the needs of the majority of users. Let's download it quickly if you like beautiful questions!

 Beauty question 1

software function

1. Preparation before the exam: The US exam provides some exam skills and exam ID instructions, so you can read and understand the general plan of the exam

2. How to effectively use real questions over the years: The software provides a real question simulation function, which can be viewed before the exam

3. Review and question answering skills: When you have finished your study, it is better to take a little time to review every day to strengthen your memory

4. Score management: if you use the computer simulation test of American Test, your scores will be saved on the management tool

5. Provide 2017 first-class constructor construction engineering laws and regulations and related knowledge Full simulation test question 1 for your convenience in learning architectural knowledge

6. Support [Licensed Pharmacist] 2017 Licensed Pharmacist Pharmacy Management and Regulation Simulation Question (V), making it easier for you to learn medicine

 Beauty question 2

Software features

1. The official version of the US exam software supports synchronous exercises, comprehensive test questions, building laws and construction engineering related knowledge

2. Chapter exercises are supported, and you can choose the chapter topic exercises you are learning

3. Support prediction: Meiti provides exercises simulation for many years, which can be previewed here

4. Support simulation test, pass the continuous examination, and do all the questions on the software

5. The software has rich functions and supports multiple subjects such as architecture, finance, economy and trade, medicine, civil servant, education, professional title, etc

Software evaluation

The software also supports a variety of question types and difficulty settings to meet the needs of different users, provides users with a comprehensive and convenient education, learning and examination solution, helps users efficiently complete the examination and learning tasks, and assists users in preparing for examinations.

label: Intelligent question bank Online examination

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