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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization Localization of Windows Memory Cleaner

Windows Memory Cleaner localization latest version v2.5.0.0

  • Size: 86.6KB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2023/11/27
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All
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The latest version of Windows Memory Cleaner in Chinese It is a high-quality computer system software that displays computer data in real time according to the computer memory. This software has been recommended on various platforms and is widely praised. You can check your computer when the computer starts to get stuck and delay to optimize it. You need to download it quickly!

 Windows Memory Cleaner1


software function

1. The shortcut key setting function is supported. The default optimized shortcut key is CTRL+ALT+M

2. The function of exclusion setting is supported, and exclusion can be added to normal office software and game software

3. Interval setting function, which can set an hour interval for optimization

4. When the memory value is lower than 20%, it can also be automatically optimized by the software when it is lower than 10%

5. Support memory region setting: merged page list, modified page list, process working set

 Windows Memory Cleaner2

Software features

1. Insufficient memory may cause the currently running software not responding

2. When your game is stuck and your system is stuck, you can optimize memory

3. Try to optimize memory through software technology

4. Start the software and set an automatic optimization scheme to minimize the software

5. Memory area standby list, standby list (low priority) and system working set can be set

label: Memory data

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Windows Memory Cleaner localization latest version v2.5.0.0

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