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Optimizer system optimization tool free version v11.5

  • Size: 513KB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System security
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2023/11/20
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All

Related software

Optimizer system optimization is a software for optimizing computer system software. This software is very powerful. It not only has the cleaning and management functions of conventional computer management software, but also has various unusual functions. It can even disable the service functions of Windows, so that users can really master their own computers and download them if they need them!

Software Introduction

Optimizer system optimization software is a professional and powerful computer system tool software. The software provides users with convenient and easy-to-use computer system optimization services. Users can quickly scan the computer system by using the software, sort out garbage data and clean it with one key, which can help users improve their computer experience. The software also provides registry repair, startup item management Useful functions such as unnecessary Windows service disable can be used!


Software highlights

Accelerate your system and network performance

Disable unnecessary Windows services

Disable Windows Telemetry

Disable office telemetry (2016 only)

Disable Cortana

Disable Windows 10 Automatic Updates

Uninstall UWP Application

Block Skype Ads

Clean the system drive

Fix common registry problems

Delete unwanted programs Run at startup

Change the microsoftedge download folder

Edit Host File

Add items in the context menu of the desktop

Define custom commands for running dialog boxes

Minor editorial comments

Optimizer software is an excellent optimization cleaning software with a wide range of applications. Optimizer software can help users scan and clean the computer. Users who need it can download it for use!

label: system optimization Software management

Download address

Optimizer system optimization tool free version v11.5

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