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Current location: computer software System Tools CPU software Core large and small core scheduling

Core Core Large and Small Core Scheduling Green Version v1.0

  • Size: 415KB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: CPU software
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: October 19, 2023
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All
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Core large and small nuclear scheduling tool It is a system performance scheduling tool made by netizens, which can help users to schedule the performance of Intel's large and small cores. After Intel introduced large and small cores, it often happens that the small cores are fully occupied while the large cores are indifferent, which causes many use scenarios to get stuck. Using Core scheduling tools for large and small cores can help users solve problems and change core scheduling policies.

 Pictures of Core large and small nuclear scheduling tools

Software Introduction

Since Intel's 12th generation Core began to adopt the design of large and small cores, many people have complained about the problem of "small cores are difficult, big cores are around", which is also a scheduling strategy problem. As a result, some software is full of small cores, but the big cores are still fishing, so the software runs very hard.


Ensure that speedshift technology is enabled in bios!

The first step is to delete all the settings about cpu power management in the registry, that is, delete the entire item of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Power PowerSettings 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b740d00

Step 2: import the registry file powerreg.reg under the folder

Step 3: Reset the power plan

Step 4: delete the configuration package customized by the manufacturer (if not, forget it). The specific path is: Settings - Account - Connect to work or school account - Add or delete the configuration package, and click Open to delete the configuration package

Step 5: Copy the IntelThrdSchd folder to another path that does not contain Chinese and spaces, install the service (if it cannot be installed automatically, please install it manually according to the instructions under the folder), and then restart or manually start the service

Step 6: After starting the service, switch the current power mode to other modes in the settings, and then switch back to the best energy efficiency mode,

label: CPU scheduling Processor scheduling

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Core Core Large and Small Core Scheduling Green Version v1.0

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