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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization Win11 Tweaker

Win11 Tweaker official version v1.0

  • Size: 4.11MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2023/08/24
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All
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Win11 Tweaker It is a very practical system setting software, which can help users make comprehensive adjustments to their own systems. It covers various aspects, such as modifying system settings, adjusting the interface appearance, enabling or disabling specific functions, etc. It is very powerful, so please download it quickly if you need it.

 Win11 Tweaker

software function

1. Accurate innovation. Unlike most applications involving adjustment, the software interface is simple and easy to understand, and will not scare off ordinary users. The user can easily understand the role of each setting and activate the corresponding options through the sliding button next to each specific element on the interface.

2. Comprehensive explanation. The program explains the role of each option in detail to help users understand the impact of different options on the operating system.

3. Modern interface, software interface and Windows 11 operating system are perfectly integrated, making people feel that it is almost a part of Windows 11 bundled software. The interface is beautiful and fashionable.

4. Easy reverse operation, disabling any enabled functions is also very simple. Just click the slide button again and the previous changes will be undone.


1. Download and install Win11 Tweaker software.

2. Open the software and you will see a series of adjustable options.

3. Read the explanation next to each option to see what it does.

4. Use the slide buttons to activate or deactivate specific options based on your needs.

5. If you need to undo your changes, just click the slide button again.

6. Be sure to back up your system before making any changes to prevent unnecessary problems.

label: System settings

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