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Current location: computer software System Tools operating system Wendus original system

The latest version of Wendus original system v2023

  • Size: 22.3MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: Operating System
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2023/02/07
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All

Related software

Wendus original system It is a software specially designed for one click installation of various brands of systems. If we buy a powerful laptop or a variety of brands of computers, we can download this software to arrange the original system. Whether it is ASUS, Dell, Huawei, Raytheon, or alien systems, it can be easily found, and interested partners can download and try it.

 Wendus original system 1

software function

The system installation automatically uninstalls excessive drives, which is stable and reliable, ensuring that the recovery effect is close to the newly installed version.

Optimization of the latest mainstream high-end computer configuration, professional driver matching, and all performance of playback hardware.

Bring WinPE Micro operating system and public partition tools, DOS tools, installation, backup, maintenance and worry free.

Intelligent identification brand compatible machine, automatic activation, brand machine detection SLIC2.1 hard activation, compatible machine activation.

Integrate the latest and most comprehensive SRS driver, adapt to all new old hosts and notebooks, and fully support AHCI hard disk mode.

 Windus original system 2

Software features

There is no blue screen phenomenon in the computer test installation through several different hardware models, and the hardware is fully driven.

For the WinoDWS10 32-bit system, up to dozens of security optimizations, the system is stable and fast.

It is safe, simple, fast, and needs no attention. The installation is permanently activated and supports online updates.

Add AMD quad core CPU optimization patch/INT I3 I5 I7 series optimization program for perfect performance.

Offline production, a pure and unparalleled installation process automatically checks that every drive is free of automatic viruses and antivirus.

label: System installation

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