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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization 360 Cleanup Optimization Standalone Edition

360 Clean Optimization Standalone Free v13.0

  • Size: 30.78MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2023/01/15
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All

Related software

360 Cleanup Optimization Standalone Edition It is a functional section extracted from 360 Security Guard. In this software, only the cleaning and optimization section is available, bringing you a more concise page. It can be used without launching 360 Security Guard, meeting the needs of most users. If you need it, please download it.

 360 Cleanup Optimization Standalone Edition

Software features

1. Startup item optimization has finally been fixed.

2. All useless buttons on the main interface have been eliminated. (obsessive-compulsive disorder ecstasy)

3. The background tray no longer resides. Close the main window and exit directly.

4. The "trace cleaning has been damaged" pop-up bug that is likely to appear has been tested for a long time and finally found a solution. (The process is detailed in the txt file in the compressed package)

5. The settings do not need to be changed in detail.

6. The volume is reduced to about 70MB.

7. You can pay attention to the cleaning flag on the main interface in the upper left corner when cleaning garbage. It is also an egg (an interesting bug).


Before using the software, please open the safemon folder in 360Safe and perform the following operations:

1. Open 1.exe and wait for a few seconds, then right-click in the notification icon area to exit it.

2. Open 2.exe, remove the two hooks inside, and then close the window.

3. Return to the 360Safe directory and delete the entire safemon folder (not necessary)

4. Start 360safe.exe and you're done~

label: clear optimization

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