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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization Microsoft NET Framework 7.0

Microsoft NET Framework 7.0 latest version v7.0.2

  • Size: 51.19MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: January 12, 2023
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All

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Microsoft .NET Framework 7.0 It is a basic type library component applicable to the Windows operating system. It is a new software development platform following the Windows DNA. As a programming platform that uses the system virtual machine to run, it enhances the RegEx source generator in the software, advances in the transfer of NativeAOT from experimental state to runtime, and a series of significant improvements to the "dotnet new" CLI.

  .NET 7.0

New Features

Use the source generator at compile time rather than a slower method at run time to build a specialized RegEx pattern matching engine.

Using SDK improvements, it provides a new simplified tab completion experience to explore templates and parameters at runtime. dotnet new

Don't cut your excitement, just your application, and be ready to try NativeAOT with your own innovative solutions.

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. NET 6.0 is a long-term supported version, which will be supported for three years.

label: Microsoft development environment Prerequisite software

Microsoft's software has a lot of questions that users ask. This industry giant not only has a dominant operating system, but also has a variety of powerful development platforms and operating environments, as well as tools and software with massive productivity. The editor collects Microsoft's easy-to-use software downloads here, where users can find their needs for software.

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Microsoft NET Framework 7.0 latest version v7.0.2

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