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Panda Office latest version v1.0

  • Size: 1.91MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: Office software
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: October 25, 2022
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7/Windows10/Windows All

Related software

Panda Office It is a powerful office software, which can provide users with the templates needed for massive office programs, so that users can directly apply the templates when making office documents such as PPTs, so as to improve their office efficiency. In addition, the office templates provided here are free, so they don't have to worry about VIP payment, so users who need them, Come and try it.

Software features

1. Template

You can find your own template directly and replace it with tears when necessary.

2. Daily

You can complete relevant work in daily use and see more relevant functions.

3. Fast

The template provides users with various data information so that they can quickly master the information.

4. Document

When using, you can create documents at any time, so you can easily get some content.

 Panda Office Picture 1

software function

1. It can also improve your ability to complete tasks. Various template contents can help you complete the task effectively.

2. This method is improved so that everyone can effectively find the content of the entire template and get more convenience.

3. Various templates can be changed free of charge, edited online, and the operation is particularly stable. A richer process can wait until you use it. It can be used for various operations.

4. The software includes not only PPT templates, but also all software templates for daily work. You can select your own template style to find the most appropriate template.

 Panda Office Picture 2

Update content

1. Fix known bugs

2. Optimize operation experience

label: Office documents PPT template

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