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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization 360 Xiaobei temperature control

360 Xiaobei temperature control computer version v1.0.0.1031

  • Size: 8.2MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2022/05/10
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

Related software

360 Xiaobei temperature control It is a simple and compact system status monitoring tool. Users can view the current CPU usage and temperature, as well as the memory usage, through software. The software will automatically hide in the taskbar and display the system occupancy in real time, so that users can more easily understand the system operation. It also supports the one button acceleration function to help users release system resources.

software function

You can see the specific status of system operation such as temperature and memory in the taskbar, as shown below:

 360 Xiaobei temperature control picture 1

Click the task bar by left clicking to trigger the specific details of Xiaobei's monitoring, as shown below:

 360 Xiaobei temperature control picture 2

Right click the trigger menu window and select the monitoring content, as shown below:

 360 Xiaobei temperature control picture 3

Many people may say that you have hardware data monitoring such as CPU and memory,

However, if there is no way to solve the problem of high occupancy, it is just a fancy,

Then he will come to the new and practical [one button acceleration] function,

When you encounter high memory usage or high CPU load when using the computer, you can directly click the one button acceleration in the left click menu to complete the optimization of memory usage and CPU load,

Based on 360 technology, it ensures effective and stable functions, easy triggering, one button operation, convenience and efficiency,

It will not affect the current use of your computer.

Update content

Fix known problems

Optimize user experience

label: System monitoring System acceleration

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360 Xiaobei temperature control computer version v1.0.0.1031

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