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Current location: computer software Multimedia Audio playback AIMP cassette recorder skin

AIMP cassette recorder skin free version

  • Size: 121MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: audio playback
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2022/02/28
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

Related software

AIMP is a very useful music player. Users can customize the skin of the software. Many players like the era when they used tapes to listen to songs. The classic interface of cassette recorders is very comfortable to watch. So here are some AIMP tape drive skin , so that your player can become a retro tape drive style. It is very convenient to use. As long as you put the extracted skin file in the skin directory, you can use it directly in the settings.

 AIMP Picture 1

Skin Introduction

Skin, built-in playlist and lyrics window.

+Size - 1366x768/1280x768.

+AIMP Inscription - Main Menu.

+Playlist - Horizontal or vertical labels.

+Disables the visibility of some elements.

+Cassettes - 6 pieces.

+Level indicator - 3 pieces (5 values)+ability to control its response.

+Counter - 2 pieces.

+Theme - Dark/Light.

+Font selection - you need to enter a name in the system.

 AIMP Picture 2

How to change skin

1. Open the AIMP skin compression package you downloaded, and extract the skin file to the desktop. acs4 is the skin of the AIMP4 version, and. acs3 is the skin of the AIMP3 version. This tutorial takes AIMP4 as an example

 AIMP Picture 3

2. Generally, you only need to double-click the skin file of. acs4, select the skin in the pop-up AIMP skin interface, and click OK to switch skin; The portable version of AIMP needs to copy the. acs4 skin file to the Skin folder of AIMP. For example, my version is: D: AIMP Skins

 AIMP Picture 4

3. Then open the software, click the AIMP icon here, and select the skin function.

 AIMP Picture 5

4. Then we can see the skin we just added, and the option application can be used.

 AIMP Picture 6

5. As shown in the figure, we have the classic tape drive effect.

 AIMP Picture 7

label: music player

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