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Current location: computer software Multimedia Audio playback Himalayan cracking version without login

Himalayan cracking version Unlimited hot spot login free green version V2.1.1

  • Size: 96.19MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: audio playback
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2022/01/28
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

Related software

Himalayan cracking version It is an online listening software that allows users to listen to music, books and radio online. Therefore, it is more suitable for some users who want to avoid eyestrain. In addition, the software has also been cracked, allowing users to automatically obtain VIP privileges without logging in. So users who need it, come and download it!

software function

[Daily News] On the way to work, listen to the news while playing with your mobile phone to easily know hot events

[Emotional healing] Low mood? Come to a positive energy warming program for instant healing

[Health preservation] As we know, we should listen to it once a day to bid farewell to sub-health

[Crosstalk] On the way to work, listen to the classic works of Duan Guo Degang and forget the tiredness of the day

[Children's story] Does the baby cry and don't sleep? It can't be solved without playing a bedtime story. If there is one, then two

 Himalayan cracked version pictures

Software features

Entertainment: Guo Degang's crosstalk. The 80's talk show is full of hilarious audio music tonight

Audible novel: cover the sky, use force to move heaven and earth, listen to enough notes on tomb robbing

News: Qiang Qiang's Three Person Tour, Flying Fish Show, Sharp Comments on Hot News

Finance and economics: financial eyes, flush flush, focus on new financial hotspots

English: New Oriental VOA.BBC, So easy

Music: Express delivery of new songs, cover singing is also powerful, fresh and unique, good music

Humanities: a forum of 100 schools. Yi Zhongtian takes you into history

Emotion: Psychological FM is the most effective way to soothe the soul

 Himalayan cracked version pictures

Update log

1. Fix known bugs

2. Optimize operation experience

label: Listening to books listen to the music radio broadcast

Netizen comments

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