Haochen cad batch printing plug-in download | Haochen cad batch printing tool free version V3.5.9 download _ Dangyou
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Haochen cad batch printing tool free version V3.5.9

  • Size: 386KB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: Printing Tools
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: November 29, 2021
  • Official website: http://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

Related software

Haochen cad batch printing tool It is a kind of printing software, in which users can see various functions such as frame form, block layer, etc., and can print drawings directly after setting. This software is compatible with a variety of CAD software and most printers. Users can also set the printing scale by themselves. In this software, you can set various output options to help you complete the printing of drawings.

software function

 Haochen cad batch printing tool pictures

1. Batch print drawings to the printer.

2. Automatically find the frame, intelligently plot in batches, and support single document and multiple documents.

3. Batch print drawings to files.

4. Batch printing generates JPG/DWF/PDF/PLT and other files, supporting single document and multiple documents.

Software features

1. Set conditions, frame filter conditions: type, layer, size, block name (if the type is a block). If you do not select these conditions, the analysis will be traversed as a whole. If you select the conditions that can be determined, it will help the speed and accuracy of the analysis.

2. Frame type. This option is determined by the frame type you use. Supports ambiguous borders, block borders, and xref borders. The block frame and xref frame belong to the "block" frame type.

3. For documents to be configured, you need to configure the printer, paper size, and print style before batch printing. All configurations are required in an open document.

label: CAD printing

CAD printing requires high quality requirements, as well as batch printing and printing quality control. Therefore, many users want to have more choices of DWG printing tools. Therefore, Xiaobian will download and integrate all CAD printing software. Users can find free and practical batch CAD printing software to meet the high demand.

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Haochen cad batch printing tool free version V3.5.9

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