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Current location: computer software Multimedia Media management Music Collection

Official Music Collection v3.3.8.2

  • Size: 7.65MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: Media Management
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2021/07/13
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

Related software

Music Collection It is a software designed to organize computer audio files for users, which can be used in local computers, CDs, disks and other devices. It is a good helper for users to manage music. In addition to the powerful file sorting function, the software also supports importing data from Amazon. Artists, albums and other information can also be edited at will to meet the user's collection desire. Users who need it, please download and experience it!

 Music Collection Pictures

Software Introduction

Music Collection allows you to add artists, albums and songs at will. You can add it manually, or you can use Amazon links to let the program automatically complete all the work. In this way, you can get all the information (including album cover) of a certain disc in a few seconds. Music Collection is one of many music management software. It supports importing data from Amazon and has multiple functional options for music database statistics, which makes it one of the best choices for users.

Software features

1. Users can create as many different collections.

2. Accept various music media (CD, LP, DVD-A, etc.).

3. Specially customized classical music album added and edited.

4. The program in each album will contain all media, and all middle tracks and lyrics are for each track.

5. Introduction to using filters or not having albums.

6. List the grids in the selected album or use images (default).

7. Export album information html file.

8. Manage all program data, such as the list of singers, composers, etc.

usage method

1. You can add your local music by clicking the Add button.

2. You can set a series of information for the added music.

3. If you want to modify your favorite music information, you can double-click it and then modify it.

label: Music Collection Music management

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