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Geek Lightning Startup Free Version v1.8.30

  • Size: 19.74MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: Desktop Tools
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2022/05/25
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll
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Geek lightning start It is a desktop quick start tool that can bring more convenient operation to your users. Users can divide various areas here, such as work area, entertainment area, etc., so that you can quickly find the corresponding software. At the same time, it can also support quick search for software and direct search for software, so that you don't need to store many software icons on the desktop, thus greatly saving the space of the desktop. If you have good desktop wallpaper, you can better show their effect.

 Geek lightning start


1. After running the software, add common applications on the top, and then click to start.

2. Click the add icon on the right to add program files that are not on the desktop

3. The software can be hidden in the standby state, and the program icon can be found in the message bar at the lower right corner

Installation method

1. Download the software on this site and unzip it

2. Open the software installation package and click OK

3. Select the installation path and click Next

4. Wait until the installation is complete

Update content

1. Optimized user interface

2. Fixed some known bugs

label: quick start

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