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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization winflash

Winflash Chinese version 3.2.10

  • Size: 2.44MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2021/01/11
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

Related software

winflash It is a main board BIOS refresh tool for Windows system, so it can help users to refresh BIOS without worrying about the computer paralysis caused by DOS. It is very safe and reliable. In addition, the software can still be in Chinese, so it can be fresh and easy to operate. So come and download it!

software function

1. The existing BIOS program of the storage system brings great convenience to users.

2. Users can automatically download new BIOS programs directly from the ASUS official website, without worrying about the version not keeping up.

3. The software comes with system optimization function, which will not bring garbage files to the computer.

4. The user can view the version of the BIOS program at will with the same authority as the administrator.

Brush bios tutorial

1. Unpack and open. Then, enter WinFlash in the search box at the bottom left corner of the desktop and click.

 Winflash pictures

2. Open the app and you will see the page reminder. You need to ensure that the network connection is normal, the power supply is connected, and the battery has enough power before clicking Next.

 Winflash pictures

The following describes the refresh steps of the two methods respectively:

1: Get BIOS from local computer

1. Search the corresponding model on the official website service and support page and download the new BIOS. Take the model A505ZA (motherboard model X505ZA) as an example.

 Winflash pictures

2. After the download is completed, decompress, open WinFlash, select to obtain BIOS from the local computer, and find the BIOS file (it is recommended to store the decompressed BIOS file in the root directory for easy searching).

 Winflash pictures

3. After selecting Open, the information about the current BIOS version and the BIOS version to be updated will pop up. After confirmation, click Update. After the update is completed, press Exit, and the system will restart automatically.

 Winflash pictures

4. After the machine restarts, it will automatically complete the BIOS update. After the update, it will enter the system normally.

 Winflash pictures

 Winflash pictures

2: Get BIOS from network

1. Open WinFlash and select Get BIOS from the network. The default browser will jump to the ASUS service and support official website page and get the BIOS version information.

2. After confirmation, click Update. After the update is completed, press Exit, and the system will restart automatically.

 Winflash pictures

3. After the machine restarts, it will automatically complete the BIOS update. After the update, it will enter the system normally.

 Winflash pictures

Update log

label: Bios tool Motherboard Tools

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