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OneinStack (one click PHP/JAVA installation tool) official version v2.3

  • Size: 379.87MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: Installation
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2023/12/20
  • Official website:
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll
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OneinStack (One click PHP/JAVA installation tool) is a software that can help users complete the installation of development tools. Users can quickly complete language installation and some local configuration work through the software. The software includes multiple optional installation combinations. Users can choose which to install according to their own conditions. CentOS, Ubuntu and other versions of the system are supported.

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Software Introduction

OneinStack contains the following combinations

Lnmp in OneinStack (Linux+Nginx+MySQL/MongoDB+PHP)

lamp(Linux + Apache+ MySQL/MongoDB+ PHP)

Lnmpa (Linux+Nginx+MySQL/MongoDB+PHP+Apache): Nginx handles static, while Apache handles dynamic PHP

Lnmt (Linux+Nginx+MySQL/MongoDB+Tomcat): Nginx handles static, and Tomcat (JDK) handles JAVA

lnpp(Linux + Nginx+ PostgreSQL+ PHP)

lapp(Linux + Apache+ PostgreSQL+ PHP)

lnmh(Linux + Nginx+ MySQL+ HHVM)

Support system version

CentOS 6~8 (including redhat)

Debian 8~10

Ubuntu 14~19

Fedora 27+

Deepin 15

Amazon Linux 2

Aliyun Linux

Software features

Continuously updated, supporting interactive and unattended installation

Compile and install the source code. Most of the source code is the latest stable version and is downloaded from the official website

Multiple database versions (MySQL - 8.0, MySQL-5.7, MySQL-5.6, MySQL-5.5, MariaDB-10.4,MariaDB-10.3,MariaDB-10.2,MariaDB-5.5,Percona-8.0, Percona-5.7, Percona-5.6, Percona-5.5,AliSQL-5.6,PostgreSQL, MongoDB)

Multiple PHP versions (PHP 7.4, PHP-7.3,PHP-7.2,PHP-7.1,PHP-7.0,PHP-5.6, PHP-5.5,PHP-5.4,PHP-5.3)

Provides Nginx, Tengine, OpenResty, and nginx waf functions

Multiple Apache versions are available (Apache-2.4, Apache-2.2)

Multiple Tomcat versions (Tomcat-9, Tomcat-8,Tomcat-7,Tomcat-6)

Multiple JDK versions (JDK-11.0, JDK-1.8,JDK-1.7,JDK-1.6)

Install the PHP cache accelerator according to your needs, and provide ZendOPcache xcache、apcu、eAccelerator。 And php encryption and decryption tools: ionCube, ZendGuardLoader

Install Pureftpd and phpMyAdmin according to your needs

Install Memcached and Redis according to your needs

Jemalloc optimizes MySQL and Nginx

Provide script for adding virtual host

Provide Nginx/Engine/OpenResty/Apache, PHP, Redis, Memcached, phpMyAdmin upgrade scripts

Provide local backup, remote (rsync), AliCloud OSS, Tencent Cloud COS, Youpaiyun, Qiniu Cloud, Amazon S3 and Dropbox backup scripts

HHVM installation under CentOS 6 and 7

Update content Add -- proxy parameter

Add run_group parameter

Add MariaDB-10.5 and delete MariaDB-10.2

Software version updated to the latest stable

label: development tool

Download address

OneinStack (one click PHP/JAVA installation tool) official version v2.3

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