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Create GUID tool free version v1.0

  • Size: 9.0 KB
  • Language: Chinese
  • Category: Installation
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: August 18, 2020
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com/
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

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Create GUID Tool It can add GUIDs to developers to improve the confidentiality of software. As digital identifiers, GUIDs have a large number of total numbers, so the possibility of repetition is very low. They are basically regarded as unique values. Programmers can add this digital identifier in the source code, which will be very convenient for future data import.

Software Introduction

The Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is a 128 bit digital identifier generated by the algorithm. GUID is mainly used in networks or systems with multiple nodes and computers. Ideally, no computer or cluster of computers will generate two identical GUIDs. The total number of GUIDs has reached 2 ^ 128 (3.4 × 10 ^ 38), so the probability of randomly generating two identical GUIDs is very small, but not 0. Therefore, algorithms used to generate GUIDs usually add non random parameters (such as time) to ensure that such repetition will not occur.

The word GUID sometimes refers specifically to Microsoft's implementation of the UUID standard.

On the Windows platform, GUIDs are widely used in Microsoft products to identify objects such as registry keys, class and interface identifiers, databases, system directories, etc.

 Create screenshot of GUID tool


1、 Select GUID format.

2、 Click Copy to copy to the source code for use.

Shortcut key: key 1 - key 8

Copy: ALT+C


Exit: ALT+X

label: Programming development

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