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Current location: computer software System Tools system optimization Chenwei PE installation tool

Chenwei PE installation tool latest version 1.5

  • Size: 12.19MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: October 11, 2020
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll
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Chenwei PE installation tool It is a very useful PE biographical tool, which can help users to perform system backup, restore and system reinstallation, and is very suitable for installation personnel, so come and download it!

Software Introduction

Chenwei PE installation tool 1.5 is a PE installation tool with simple, practical and convenient interface. This tool is a truly green PE installation tool without binding, advertising, back door, home page lock and virus.

 Pictures of Chenwei PE installation tools

Software features

Support MBR and GPT partitions

Supported files can be added manually

All formats support compression

. gho supports password settings

. gho file encryption detection

Format the target partition before recovery

 Pictures of Chenwei PE installation tools

Inject usb 3. x driver after recovery (applicable to NT6.1 kernel system)

Rebuild system boot after recovery (MBR/GPT)

Automatic restart/shutdown after recovery (click the red font to switch between restart/shutdown)

You can run Ghost manually

Update log

For H310/B360/H370/Q370/Z390, the Usb3. x driver for Win7 is changed to Intel_300_series_IO_USB_drivers_ official driver (including Intel serial IO driver and Usb3. x driver required for H310/B360/H370/Q370/Z390 to install Win7); Supported hardware IDs are: x64: [DEV_A36D, DEV_9DED, DEV_31A8, DEV_A1AF] x86: [DEV_A36D DEV_9DED、DEV_31A8]。 In addition, the driver signature of this version of the driver has been replaced, so the original MSDN WIN7 image does not need to integrate the KB3033929 patch first.

label: System reassembly Backup Restore

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