System service optimization software | Easy Services Optimizer free version v1.2 download _ Dangyou
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Easy Services Optimizer Computer Free v1.2

  • Size: 486KB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: June 21, 2019
  • Official website:
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll
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Easy Services Optimizer It is a system service optimization software, which can help users optimize the computer system. At the same time, the software is very small and simple, making users portable. If you need it, please download it.

Software Introduction

Easy Services Optimizer (ESO for short) is a simple and direct portable free application that is dedicated to helping users optimize (disable) unnecessary system services (such as spooler, Bluetooth support, remote registry, remote desktop, etc.) to improve system performance (startup and running speed) and stability.

Software features

Easy Services Optimizer provides four intelligent modes to help users set/optimize system services in batches according to different situations, including default (your current service list), security (risk-free selection), adjustment (optimization selection) and extreme (high-level optimization). In addition, you can customize the list of services to be optimized.

software function

Easy Services Optimizer can optimize services on all Windows versions (except Windows 98 and earlier), and users can use it safely without mastering any relevant technology or knowledge. More importantly, this program has a function that can restore the default/initial service startup type settings of various Windows versions with a single click of the mouse. This means that you can use it to restore all system services to their original state, so that you can easily and efficiently eliminate a large number of confusing system failures.

matters needing attention

1. After the download is completed, do not run the software in the compressed package for direct use, and decompress it first;

2. The software also supports a 32-bit 64 bit operating environment;

3. If the software cannot be opened normally, please right-click to run in administrator mode.

label: system optimization

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