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Current location: computer software Educational learning Online learning Xiaoyu Yilian Double Teacher Class

Xiaoyu Yilian Shuangshi Classroom Latest Version V2.24.1.9439

  • Size: 14MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: online learning
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: May 30, 2019
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll

Related software

Double teacher class It is a very good online education software. It is mainly about how many teachers guide students to learn together, which can improve learning efficiency. So if you like it, let's download it and try it!

Software Introduction

The student side of the dual teacher class is a web-based learning software launched by Weidu Technology. It provides contact experience, teaching assistants to accompany throughout, personalized guidance, and efficient immersive teaching classes to enable teachers and students to interact well, support one-on-one teaching, and provide first-class online education for students!

 Pictures of double teacher class

Software features

1. Enjoy teaching by famous teachers

To enhance the influence of large education and training institutions, it takes several years to expand new campuses to train excellent teachers under the traditional model. Within a few months of implementing the double teacher class, a branch school can be established, so that students in the branch school can also enjoy the teaching of famous teachers.

2. Connect with advantageous resources

Accelerate the output of content output institutions, from the original offline alliance and offline teaching to online alliance teaching. Educational institutions have successfully docked high-quality content resources, but the speed of communication has accelerated.

3. Complementary advantages of schools and institutions

Expand the space for improving the advantages of public schools. Public schools and training institutions complement each other's advantages to improve students' academic performance and enrollment rate.

4. Make quality teaching easier

Provide the latest teaching concepts for institutions in non first and second tier cities, so that famous teachers and their high-quality teaching content can benefit more students, meet the students' desire for scarce educational resources in remote areas, and promote education fairness and inclusiveness.

label: Educational software Online learning Teaching tools Network teaching

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Xiaoyu Yilian Shuangshi Classroom Latest Version V2.24.1.9439

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