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Gogokid official version V1.2.0

  • Size: 64.5MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: online learning
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: March 30, 2019
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll
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gogokid It is an online English learning software. The interface of this software is quite rich. It can improve children's interest in learning English and make them more active. Users who need it should not miss it!

Software Introduction

Gogokid is an English learning software launched by gogokid online children's English. The foreign teachers in North America have pure accent, educational background, rich experience, layer upon layer selection, only for the best, full course training, and professional pursuit. Gogokid allows children to speak more, speak more pure, and learn more actively, so that your children can immerse themselves in the authentic English teaching environment.

Software features

100% high-quality foreign teachers in North America

All foreign teachers are from the United States or Canada, have undergraduate or higher education background, rich teaching experience, and the admission rate is only 3%

Speak English like American children

One on one foreign teachers in North America let children immerse themselves in the authentic English teaching environment and say goodbye to "dumb English"

Gogokid intelligent learning system

Relying on big data and artificial intelligence technology, gogokid learning system focuses on children and customizes special learning programs for each student

The curriculum is more suitable for Chinese children

The double benchmarking between the mainstream primary school curriculum standards (CCSS) in the United States and the English curriculum standards (new curriculum standards) of the Ministry of Education in China is more suitable for Chinese children

Whole process guidance of professional secondary teachers

Professional middle school teachers guide the whole process, respond to the learning needs of students and parents in real time, and focus 100% on the learning effect of children

Anytime and anywhere you want to learn

There is no need for parents to pick up and drop off, and children want to go to school anytime and anywhere; Transparent classroom, parents are all aware of children's learning

common problem

1. Where can I get the free experience class?

Users can register as members on the official website to receive free experience courses.

2. What do I need to prepare before the experience class?

Before the experience class, please check the class equipment and help children complete the proficiency test.

label: Online learning Children's English

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