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The latest free version of computer trace removal system V3.1

  • Size: 48MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: System optimization
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: March 21, 2019
  • Official website: https://www.3h3.com
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll
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Computer trace removal system It is a computer system optimization software. This tool can scan the operation traces in the computer, and then delete them in depth to make everything disappear. The software also supports content encryption. Download and use it quickly!

Software Introduction

The official version of the computer trace removal system is a very excellent computer trace removal software. The interface of the official version of the computer trace removal system is beautiful and generous, with powerful and practical functions. It can scan all the usage records of computer disk files, Internet records, USB records, disk space and partition space.

Software features

 Computer trace removal system picture

1. The official version of the computer trace removal system is green software, which runs directly under the CD and can be used to clear data after entering the PE system;

2. At the same time, you can enable logging and generate logs;

3. It can simultaneously search all operating systems, all users and all system partitions of the computer and erase data;

4. Erase parameters can be selected to clear data. Different parameters have different erasure times;

5. User friendly and easy to operate.

software function

1. File data: physical purging is performed on a single file or folder;

2. Partitioned Data: Physical data cleaning is performed on logical partitions;

3. Disk data: physical clearing is performed on a physical disk;

4. Internet traces: physical removal of Internet traces;

5. USB traces: physical removal of USB traces;

6. Other traces: physical removal of computer use traces.

label: system optimization Trace cleaning Privacy protection

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The latest free version of computer trace removal system V3.1

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