ParkControl download | ParkControl (CPU adjustment software) official version v2.0.0.16 download _ Dangyou
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ParkControl (CPU adjustment software) official version v2.0.0.16

  • Size: 2.53MB
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • Category: CPU software
  • Type: free software
  • Authorization: domestic software
  • Time: 2022/01/26
  • Official website:
  • Environment: Windows7, Windows10, WindowsAll
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ParkControl (CPU Tuning Software) is a tool that can tune your CPU to maximize its performance. If you are dissatisfied with your computer's CPU performance, you can use this free ParkControl (CPU Tuning Software) to tune its performance.


Software Introduction

ParkControl is a professional CPU frequency regulation software developed by Bitsum. The software interface is simple and easy to use. Through this tool, users can easily adjust the CPU frequency, provide balance, energy saving, high-performance and other modes, and choose different CPU modes according to different use scenarios. It will not waste CPU resources, and can greatly reduce the burden of CPU and power, The CPU life is extended, and the computer use time is longer. The frequency of the CPU can be adjusted to keep the CPU in a stable running state. For example, when playing games, turn on the high-performance mode to give full play to the CPU's performance. When working or entertaining, use balanced performance to reduce CPU energy consumption. When not using a computer, turn on the energy-saving mode to save more power. Select a suitable mode for different scenarios to make the CPU have a longer service life

Software features

1. CPU control:

Without restarting the system, you can adjust, restore, empty to the kernel pause, and tune the CPU.

2.Bistsum Highest Performance:

Generate a power plan that automatically optimizes computer hardware for optimal performance. More powerful than the "high-performance" power plan that comes with the system.

3. Bitsum dynamic acceleration (only available for professional version):

Automatically switch the power plan according to the active or idle status of the computer. Always run in "Bistsum Highest Performance" mode when you use the computer.

4. Reminder of power plan switching:

When the currently active power plan is replaced, a reminder will be displayed and you will be informed of the process that caused the switch.


1. After the download is completed, do not run the software in the compressed package for direct use, and decompress it first;

2. The software also supports a 32-bit 64 bit operating environment;

3. If the software cannot be opened normally, please right-click to run in administrator mode.

label: CPU frequency SetCPU

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ParkControl (CPU adjustment software) official version v2.0.0.16

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