How does manor lord play beginner introduction

Time: April 28, 2024 08:42:27 Source: Internet Author unknown Editing: ycr Font size:

Manor Lord, as a single player game of simulation business, is popular with players, and many kids don't know it How does the manor lord play Let me tell you today, let's have a look!

 Manor Lord 1

Beginner Introduction

1. Don't build a large farm. It's just good to harvest 600 wheat at a time. In the game, one wheat is equivalent to 20 loaves of bread, which is enough.

2. The cattle must be bought early. In the game, the cattle are responsible for transporting timber. Only one cattle is slow to transport, not to mention the thief, which affects the work of the wood factory. Because there is wood on the mountain but the village head does not transport it, they will no longer cut trees. It is useless to assign more people.

 Manor Lord 2

3. If the barns and warehouses taken randomly in the earlier stage need to be relocated, the people must be canceled first, and then they can be destroyed after they pull the cart back, otherwise they will not work in the same place, leaving a cart in the same place, which will affect the beauty and still cannot be canceled.

4. Do not order mobile merchants. If you order, mobile merchants will not buy. One mobile merchant sells one unit at a time, and the money is very slow.

The above is the whole content of the novice introduction of the manor lord. First, we should not build the farm too large, buy cows as soon as possible, and then pay attention to the adjustment of the position of the barn and warehouse. Finally, we should pay attention not to order mobile merchants. Let's go to the game to try!


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Manor Lord

Game language: Simplified Chinese
Country/Region: Europe and America
Issued: 2024-04-26
Sorting time: 2022-10-10

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