How to get Terraria Spider Armor

Time: August 1, 2023 11:11:02 Source: reprinted Author: Dangyou Editor: Salted Fish Orange Font size:

There are a lot of equipment and props available for players in the game of Terraria. Many players don't know how to obtain spider armor, so How to obtain Tarari Spider Armor Next, Xiaobian will bring you the method to obtain spider armor. Interested players can learn about it together.

How to obtain spider armor

 Talarea Game Picture 1

Spider Armor is an early summoner's armor made from 36 spider teeth in difficult mode. Wearing a set of spider armor will enable players to have 3 additional summoning bars (four in total), and increase the minion damage of players by 28%.

Set bonus: summon damage increased by 12%

The bonus for wearing a suit of spider armor is as follows:

The mask and chest armor provide 5% of the minion's damage bonus respectively (but this is different from the tooltip description of armor), the leg armor provides 6% of the minion's damage bonus, and the suit bonus will provide 12%.

Wearing a full set of spider armor will provide three additional call bars (each armor will provide one bar)

Using the Spider Staff can summon up to 5 minions, because a spider only occupies 0.75 call bars.

Spider mask

 Talarea game picture 2


a helmet and armor

defense five
Equipment Field Helmet

Increase the maximum number of minions by 1

Summon damage increased by 5%

rarity Light red
sell out 75 Silver
Research 1 copy required
make Spider tooth x8, made of anvil or lead anvil

Spider breastplate

 Talarea game picture 3


a helmet and armor

defense eight
Equipment Field jacket

Increase the maximum number of minions by 1

Summon damage increased by 5%

rarity Light red
sell out 75 Silver
Research 1 copy required
make Spider tooth x16, made of anvil or lead anvil

Spider shin guard

 Talarea Game Picture 4


a helmet and armor

defense seven
Equipment Field garments covering the legs

Increase the maximum number of minions by 1

Summon damage increased by 6%

rarity Light red
sell out 75 Silver
Research 1 copy required
make Spider tooth x12, made of anvil or lead anvil

The above is the way to obtain spider armor in Terraria game. Players can refer to the above method to obtain spider armor by using spider teeth. I hope this article can help you. More games are available on


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Terraria 1.4

Game type: Action adventure
Game language: Simplified Chinese
Country/Region: mainland
Issued: 2020-05-19
Sorting time: 2020-03-06
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