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History of the Three Kingdoms

Game type: Strategy game
Game language: Simplified Chinese
Operating environment: WinALL
Country/Region: mainland
Updated: 2021-06-24
Issued: 2003-00-00

History of the Three Kingdoms It is a classic strategic war chess game. This work is based on the classic game "Legend of Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms". The game tells the legendary story of the life of the famous general "Sun Quan" of the Three Kingdoms.

[Introduction to the game]

In the game, players will play the role of Sun Quan, the leader of the State of Wu, fighting in the world. At the same time, the game also adds a new story and level, props and equipment about Sun Quan. Players will feel a completely different work in the game, which is absolutely a must play masterpiece for Sun Quan fans.

[Game Features]

The engine used in "Biography of Eastern Wu" has almost all the treasure effects now, and has also added an item exchange system and maps.

New occupation:

God of War Lv Bu (increases attack power and chance of chaos attack each round)

Warriors - some generals of the enemy (chance of poisoning attack)

Tiger and leopard riding - cavalry of the State of Wei (Cao Chun and other generals)

Little overlord Sun Ce

Commander: The enemy commander will lead our army to Lvmeng in the later period (can use a little supply and ascending magic, and the terrain is excellent)

Lancer: chance to freeze and break defense attack


In the game, players need to control Sun Quan of Soochow to win the world step by step. There will be big and small battles, and they can also control other famous characters, such as Sun Jian and Sun Ce. Some battles will also undergo magical changes, which is not completely close to historical facts. For players who do not know how to play, the following sections will bring detailed game strategies.

The First Pass Battle of Qiantang

This pass is very simple. When Sun Jian appeared, he didn't lower his defense and morale as the author said. It was Sun Jian who lowered his defense when he got close to the head of the thief. There are five beans and one meter in this pass. The village on the left has no beans, so you don't have to go there. To kill the head of the thief, you have to be too calm and clear There was rice at the foot of the head of the thief. Sun Jian ran directly to the head of the thief and killed the head of the thief with his friends before getting the rice. If it was the last kill, it would not pass the test

Trophy of the Pass: Force Fruit

After the war, Huang Gai (iron whip), Cheng Pu (iron ridge snake spear), Han Dang joined

The 2nd Battle of Guansi Shuiguan

Single note: Sun Jian vs Hua Xiong (Sun Jian increases the permanent explosive power) starts to move up. Hua Xiong comes over and uses Huang Gai's iron whip. S/L confuses him, so it's easy to kill him. Generally, no one will die, so we won't retreat because only Sun Jian and Huang Gai are left to run out of food for 15 rounds. Take a bean, rice and antidote in this pass. There is nothing left in the village below, so we don't need to go

The booty of this pass: the force effect of completely destroying the enemy

The 3rd Battle of Sishui Pass 2

Single piece: Guan Yu vs Hua Xiong (dead) gets the result of force

This pass is the same as Shangguan. There is a powerful force called Guan Yu. It is not difficult, Pay attention to get the intelligence fruit from the treasure house. At the beginning, everyone went to Guan Yu's side and waited. Let the enemy kill more friends. You can let yourself kill more and climb down the side of Hua Xiong, so Guan Yu will go to kill Huaneng and Hua Xiong alone (practice more Huang Gai in the front. Whoever has less blood will be replaced by Tai Ping to save some beans)

The 4th Pass: Battle of Tiger Prison

The key to Lv Bu's attack in this pass is to use the yellow cover well. First, use Han Dang's halberd to fix Lv Bu. Then, use the iron whip of the yellow cover well. At first, the level of equipment is low. A few more S/L will be enough. In this pass, I abandoned all the friendly troops and fought slowly by myself, so as not to scare Dong Zhuo away when Guan Zhang was too powerful, In addition, kill Xu Rong and get the booty of Pidun Pass: when someone in our army arrives at Dong's desk, Dong Zhuo will escape to the fighting robe in the next round, and the total annihilation will get the result of force. The condition for the total annihilation is that the two Guanzhang people will not die until Lv Bu, the leader of the Yellow Gai gang, can do it earlier. After entering the city, hurry to kill the one next to Dong Zhuo and leave it for Guan Zhang to fight for several rounds, leaving enough time for Han Dang to kill Dong Zhuo's front two platoons, When Guan Zhang comes down, we can clear the two soldiers in front of Dong Zhuo. Guan Zhang can go and cut Dong Zhuo down

The 5th Pass Jingshan Escape Battle

Single piece: yellow cap VS Cai cap

This level is not difficult. Pay attention that no one can die in this level, or the game will be over. At the beginning, everyone rushed to protect Han Dang and used Han to hold Liu Biao. In the second round, everyone could lean against the upper left corner and play Han Wei inside. Cheng was the top, Huang was the middle, and Sun was the next three. They were either defensive or not afraid of Min Gao. Han shot from inside, After killing one, don't kill Sun and Huang. Go ahead and lead out a group of mountain bandits

The booty of this pass: the force effect of completely destroying the enemy

The 6th Guanjiangxia Battle

This pass is not difficult. There are ambushes on both sides. Just pay attention to the time of the round. If you want to kill the ambushes on both sides of the mountain, let Huang and Han enter the riverside forest to lead them out. Sun and Cheng Dalu lead them out to kill them

Trophy of this stage: none

The 7th Pass Battle of Xiangyang

At the end of the second round, Sun Ce will fight as a friendly army. When the enemy in the outer city is eliminated, Sun Jian will automatically ambush and withdraw. The equipment of this pass is well matched, and the leader of Taipingqing is given to Huang Gai and the leather shield is given to Cheng Pu. This is the key technology to completely destroy the pass

It was said earlier that Huang Gai should practice more to let him kill Liu Biao. At the same time, we should seize the time to kill all the soldiers outside before the 14th round. Before he died, we should ask him to add some other blood. At this time, Sun Ce would run away automatically after going in to save him and would not attack him initiatively

The three of them want to put Han in the middle of Luyan. Huang stands at the top right corner of Han's right barracks and adds attack. Cheng stands at the top left corner of Han and Sun Ce runs out. Liu Biao will fight Han Dang Cai Mao will go to visit Cheng Pu and meet up next time. Han Dang takes a left step behind the progress spectrum to kill Cai Mao. Huang Gai enters Luyan to beat Liu Biao, which will make him confused. Sun Ce will run back and put Sun Ce next to the Huang Gai. Don't let him run around

As long as Han Dang is on the side of the cavalry, don't kill him. Sun Ce won't take the initiative to attack. Only to fight back, there are two doctors who are adding blood, so Sun Ce is stuck there and won't run. Huang Gai has 120 abilities to hit Liu Biao at Luyan Road. He has 97 points of blood. He eats 50 points of beans, which is equal to beating him 47 points of blood at a time. He can't let the doctor add to him. Han Dang and Cheng Muduo beat people down and don't kill them. Let the doctors add to others After several rounds, when Liu Biao had only a little more than 100 blood, he tried to ask Huang Gai to kill him or Han Dang to help Cheng Pu eat and kill him. After Liu Biao died, he was trying his best to kill the enemy. Don't give Sun Ceqing a way out when he killed. When he ran down, I would have killed all the two meters, but I only got one

Passing the pass story: Sun Jian dies, and Sun Ce joins in, and gets the overlord's gun. All of them are destroyed, and they get the signet ribbon

The 8th Battle of Lujiang Pass

There are ambushes on both sides of the pass, Sun Ce took Taiping with him. At the beginning, he led four ambushes down and killed them together. After entering the city, don't let the enemy strategists burn to the point where he led an infantry out and killed them. When Sun Ce turned to the upper gate and killed Cheng spectrum, he could give Sun a bean if necessary. When an infantry was killed, the other three would slowly grind down and wait for Sun Ce to kill the upper part. Then he would take medicine to enter the inner city and lead it out before retreating When he rushed into the city, he killed all the inner city and left one for his family and three others to be there. Sun Ce went up to lead the four ambushes out of the mountain pass and killed them. If the number of rounds was small, he could not lead them

Trophy of this stage: Lu Fan, Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong joined in the war

The 9th Pass God Pavilion Encounter

Dialogue: Sun Ce vs Zhou Yu

The key point of this pass is that the people below should go to the upper plain. They have no strong role in the mountains themselves, so as not to increase the attack state of the enemy reinforcements. At that time, several undead people will be seriously injured when they are attacked on both sides. The infantry on both sides of the interior will not be killed until our friend Zhou Tai and Jiang Qin come out to kill him in the sixth round, Liu You appears with cavalry/At first, Sun Ce takes Taiping to run up to the imperial court and oppress him, and then kills him. Running up prevents mountain bandits from entering the city to kill him. The people below all step back right to protect two mages Anyway, it's easy to kill the booty of this pass: Lucky Fruit, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin and Chen Wu joined after the war

The 10th Battle of the Ox

Single: Sun Ce vs Tai Shici (Tai Shici is captured and retreats)

Dialogue: Sun Ce vs Liu You

When we reach the middle city, when there are still two enemies to kill, Tai Shici will take the initiative to attack. After killing Tai Shici's team, we will have the option to listen to Zhou Yu's plan. A cavalry will appear to attract the enemy's ambush. The enemy's ambush is all in chaos. It is simple to choose whether to listen to Zhou Yu's plan or not. After passing the pass, we will have the treasure Xuanwu Armor, but it will be more difficult. We will be demoted to defense and morale, If there is any treasure, I will not listen to it. At the beginning, it's easy to kill. It's needless to say that when there are only two enemies in the checkpoint, Sun Ce will come down too. At this time, Sun Ce will go up to block one by one and leave one to be killed. Han Dang will fix him with his hand and wait for Sun Ce to stand beside him. At this time, everyone will be able to move to let Sun kill him after a round of full blood. So after entering, we will ambush everyone You can move first. Sun Ce comes back to kill the mountain bandit at the bottom on the right after the ambush. Zhou Yu solidifies himself in the two spaces above Sun. Cheng Pu goes to fight the mountain bandit at the left. Huang goes to the upper right corner of Cheng. Zhou Tai goes to the middle. There are four people to kill the two archers at the bottom. If you can kill two, you'd better kill one, After this round, there will be no more difficult trophies in this pass: if you choose not to listen to Zhou Yu's plan, you will completely destroy the enemy and get Xuanwu Armor

The 11th Pass Battle of Wujun

It's a very simple pass. Just buy some medicine to relieve paralysis. After entering the city, Sun Ce moves forward to kill the enemy. Han Dang goes to set up the artillery and Zhou Yu and two other people to kill the artillery. Don't all stand together. It's the prize of this pass: Ling Cao joined in after the war

The 12th Battle of Kuaiji

The key is to let Ling Cao retreat and pass the pass before he can get combat gloves. I let Ling Cao (Iron Ridge Snake Spear+Basalt Armor and Leather Shield) and Sun Ce (Overlord Gun and Taiping Qing Leader) change their equipment in this pass. My fighting method is different from others, It is that Ling Cao doesn't move to eat the defensive fruit. Sun Ce's stepping back to give Yan Baihu a pressure can protect Ling Cao from death, so that the two target gunmen won't beat Sun Ce. Sun Cemin Gao won't die as long as he has piled up a few attacks, just enough to use the overlord. It's perfect that both of them eat rice. After Sun Ce has killed all the sailors, there is no danger. Then let Ling Cao step back and replace the Xuanwu armour with Sun Ce. Let Sun Ce kill them and go into the city, The three on the left are Taishi, Jiang Qin and Zhang Arc. Let Zhang Qudu poison the bowmen below and let Jiang Qin shoot. The Taishi retreats to give Jiang Qin beans to eat. It should be noted that no two or three people should stand together, and the artillery will come and hit you. If the artillery below comes, use Zhang's immobile body to fix him and fight. The three people here grind slowly. The Taishi should not go forward to feed beans before the bowmen are killed, The three who came out on the right were Huang Gai, Zhou Tai and Zhang Zhao. At this time, Huang Gai gave him the seal of the seventh pass with 20 and he was able to attack in all directions. Zhou Tai first ran up to Huang to make Huang stronger, then ran to Sun Ce's side to help. Huang Gai went up to the door to Qi He and waited, and only three of them counterattacked. Zhang backed up to Qi He made the attack of the engineers. Huang Gai was good at killing here, and there was no problem, Xue Shaozhang can give him a shot at the back. Next, Zhou Yu runs to Huanggai. When he runs to Huanggai, he will kill them. After entering the city, be careful not to enter the range of javelin attack. After Sun Ce enters the city, he will kill the central point and be careful about the warlock. In fact, after Sun Ce has killed two infantry, those soldiers in the inner city cannot stop Sun Ce, Kill 4 people in the center and kill javelin. Others are grinding soldiers outside. The prize of this pass: Mysterious Shuimi Lingcao won't retreat, but fighting gloves. After the war, Dong Ji and Yu Fan joined in

The 13th Pass Shouchun Battle

Single piece: Guan Yu vs Ji Ling first, then Zhang Fei vs Ji Ling (dead) gets the spear and axe 1, the friendly army gets the gold armor and gold crown and the intelligence fruit 2 without dying, Cao Cao and Guo Jia get the gold crown without dying, and the friendly army gets the gold crown with more than 8 people. This condition is not difficult to achieve if the SL is appropriate

It's really difficult and patient to get all the treasures in this level. The most important thing is to have luck. In this level, I will talk about the way I play with all the treasures, the distribution of people on the left and right sides. Cheng Pusun, the first on the left, plans to turn Zhou Taihan into Taishici, the first on the right, Chen Wu, Zhou Yu, Zhang Zhao, Huang Gai, Zhang Hong, Dong Sui, and every place where he attacks, there are bad conditions, Sun Ce went in here to defend himself. Sun Ce took the Overlord Spear Xuanwu and Taiping and asked Yu Fan to attack him. Zhou Tai followed him to defend him. In the second round, he could defeat the infantry next to Mojiang, In the next round, you can drop the millstone in seconds. If two attacks fail, you can use S/L to hit him in seconds. (Note that don't go inside the four target gunmen outside the city. If you go in too early, Ji Ling will come out and let him out after killing the second millstone.) Han Dang runs right to Cheng Puge to forcibly pick him up and help Liu Bei, and the Tai Shici on the right runs to the left to save Gao Shunhe, Zhou Yu will be able to defend Gao Shun in the second round. After that, Zhou Yu and Huang Gai will go to Zhang Liao's gang. Huang Gai will not attack Gao Shun's warriors. He will let Gao Shun go there alone. Once Huang Gai attacks him, he will go back. Gao Shun will be confused after he follows him. Then he will die. Dong Xi will go up and add blood to Gao Shun. Zhang Hong, Zhang Zhao and Chen Wu will go to kill the water thief, Zhang Hong mixed the warrior with these three men and killed three water thieves in the past. Then he went behind Gao Shun to spend time with the warrior. After Sun Ce killed the first grinding soldier, the two artillery carts disappeared, and he turned left to kill the target gunman. In the fifth round, he could kill the grinding soldier on the left, and Han Dang's men also came from outside the left, Han went to give Ji Ling at the gate. Later, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei would go to kill two soldiers in the city together and contact him with the monologue. Add an extra SL to Zhang Fei. If Yu Fan can't be imprisoned, he can't add blood and defense. That would be a big loss. Cao Cao above depends on luck. Mother Cao Cao's idiot doctor is very angry and always dies. More SL can't help him, If only Lv Bu was lucky enough to kill the soldier under Cao Cao and the mill general. If not, Sun Ce turned to kill the second one, Zhou Yu turned to fight Zhang Liao and the strategist, and then went to the internal water front to kill the water thieves. Huang Gai killed the water thieves outside, In this way, we can lead the last millstone up. We won't let him go down to Gaoshun. When the millstone goes out, Yuan Shu is almost dead. None of the friendly troops have retreated. Cao Cao told you that Yuan Shu has so many troops. Thanks to your joint efforts to kill the enemy, our army has no losses, Please take this gold armour to pass the pass. Guo Jia told you that he had no idea that General Sun had a wise man who understood this array. Please take this gold crown and the prize of Zhiguo Pass: windmill wheel

After passing this pass, there is a choice of route branches. The Sun Ce line is the choice of peace of mind to heal the wounded, and the Sun Quan line is the choice of sneaking attack on Xuchang

The following is Sun Cexian (Sun Cexian, Zhou Tai and Han Dang don't need to practice when they die. Lv Fan is useless and doesn't need to practice. It's OK to practice one step bow or general Qin)

The 14th Pass Jiangxia Battle 2

There is no difficulty in this pass, and the level training is just suitable. After all the enemies outside the city are eliminated, the plot will automatically occur. Ling Cao is shot to death by Gan Ning, and Ling Tong appears as a friendly army. He gets a leather horse armor and automatically cuts it (he formally joined the pass). Note that the enemies outside the city have not been killed, and the soldiers in the city have been resurrected all the time, In the treasure library, there are 3 slightly remember to take the prize of this level: Ling Tong Ganning joined after the mysterious water battle (after this level got 3 slightly, he always brought it to the doctor from the lower level. Hurry up and let him go to 45 and above. After both doctors are 45, he will bring it to other people to practice)

After passing the pass, the story Big Qiao and Auto will join in, but only one can be selected, and only one treasure can be taken, unfortunately

Choose Da Qiao (a female soldier can take a sword for three turns) to join the Saint's Sword, and Xiao Qiao (a horse riding strategist) to join the Banana Fan. Here I want to emphasize that I chose Xiao Qiao. First, let's compare Da Qiao's dizzy attack. But it's good not to have Xiao Qiao's equipment of Banana and the explosive sand and fire dragon behind the golden crown Big Joe's skill of "Empowering the Nation" sounds very awesome, but the conditions to use this skill are too strict. Do you want to be less than 10 in terms of blood and blue? At the beginning, it was full of blood and blue. When the blue was used up, I thought it was almost enough to kill. What's the use of that skill? Xiao Qiao's plantain had 40% bonus to the law, which could explode all people at about 100 points. Two doctors and three Zhou Yu returned to him four times in one round, especially after 26 passes, there were many field battles and enemies, There are many tigers and leopards riding together. After three rounds of sand blasting, there will be few enemies. After killing the tigers and leopards, two fire dragons will disappear. The next fire will burn Zhang Fei away. You can't do it without a banana fan. Lu Xun can also explode sand, but he is with Sun Quan. Sun Ce is not among the candidates, One man on the second side is equipped with sand blasting equipment. It's cool to change the belt. Especially in the 32nd Pass, our army is surrounded by two units. Zhou Yu's two fire dragons, Xiao Qiao, have burned down a pile of tigers, leopards, Xia Hao and some reserves in front

The 15th Pass Battle of Chibi

Single piece: Gan Ning vs Xu Chu, Lv Meng vs Zhang Liao, Xu Sheng vs Zhang Ja, a little bit difficult, then there is Tai Shi Ci vs Cao Chun (retreat), and the battle horse dialogue: Zhou Yu vs Zhang Liao is not difficult, but the enemy is a little more, just pay attention to the change of the order of good characters. At the beginning, there are two simple and slightly difficult options: the strategy of our army is successful, and the morale of the enemy's entire army is reduced, The soldiers in the first two rows all retreated, and the enemy had no reinforcements. It was a little difficult: our plan failed, the soldiers in the first two rows of the enemy did not retreat, and the enemy's front army began to attack on its own initiative. By the fourth round, Cao Chun and Xu Huang, the reinforcements of the enemy, brought 10 tiger and leopard cavalry to support them (a very powerful group of people, strengthened their morale when they came out, attacked high and Mingao, hit twice from time to time, and also needed a critical hit. It was better not to go ashore on the right, and it would be easier to fight when they took him to stand in the water)

No matter what you choose, in the eighth round, Sun Shangxiang MM came to support her as a friendly army with strong equipment. She could not die without treasure, so you don't need to save her (with the gun of the commander in chief and the battle horse, of course, those who are difficult to choose will fight). In addition to the single line of Tai Shici vs Cao Chunyou standing for a farewell, Sun Ce, Xu Sheng and Lu Su were assigned to the top left. Sun Ce's overlord gun, golden armor and Taiping were ignored Xu Sheng takes a halberd. Other optional characters are as follows: Zhang Hong takes a bronze horse Yu turned the belt three times Tai Shici took Xuanwu and Pidun, Xiao Qiao Bajiao and Golden Crown Sun Quan, Chen Shi Gan Ning takes an ancient sabre. First, let Sun Ce go down to the center and kill Zhang Liao and Xia Haoyuan quickly. Zhou Yu goes up to Sun to prevent others from following Zhou Yu. Huang Gai goes to fight the two infantry in front. Xu Shengding kills the artillery. Lu Qi gathers and then attacks with water. On the right, Cheng Pu will firmly go up and kill the fleeing soldiers with Zhang Hong Zhang Hong mixed the guns first. Lv Meng didn't need to go down first and back down before being attacked. Yu Fan added a defense to Zhang Hong, and Gan Ning also went to Sun Ce's to give Zhang a defense. People on the right should not go too close to the middle. It would be bad if they came near Zhang Liao's door. Let him go to find Sun Ce. If you can't fight below, don't leave it to the sailors. Those who are easy to fight in the water don't say that there are two infantry coming down from the left and right sides, On the left side, Xu Sheng is the main player. On the right side, Zhang Hong will kill him when he drops a waterproof soldier two times. Don't let him wake up. Don't go too far until Zhang is killed. Don't go too far until Sun Ce is killed. Zhuge Jin can attack him later. After killing Zhang, Cao Chun will wait for him in the water Tai Shici followed him to find his single horse. The tiger cavalry killed Sun Cefang. If Sun Cefang didn't have Zhou Yuji, he would add it to him until the eighth round. Sun Shangxiang would come out to help. She attacked very high. If you find it difficult to fight, you can help him fight more. If you are good at fighting, you should let him die earlier, Kill more of them yourself. After killing the tiger cavalry in the water, attack Cao Pi from here. Don't be too close. Be careful to be killed by the artillery. After Sun Ce and Huang Gai go ashore and kill Cao Pi, others will go up to kill Cao Pi together. At the same time, they will pull down Xu Chu and kill him. After that, go up to a high defense point to lead Cao Cao. Don't go up too close to lead Jia Yu to his door. It will be bad for Cao Cao to lead him down. After Cao Cao comes down, he will be determined to lead several people together Kill him. When Sun Ce is asked to kill Jia Yu with full blood, kill him first. The three of his sects are very powerful together. If you lose two seconds, you will not be afraid of his sect. The rest will be killed by Sun Ce. The others will kill all the soldiers with names. They will kill all the booty in this pass: Yinshou is a little difficult to choose. The commander's gun is a simple choice

After passing the pass, Zhou Yu and Cheng Pu each permanently+30 points of defense

The 16th Battle of Guannan County

This level is not difficult. It is very tight. It is not difficult to occupy the city. It is very tight to completely destroy the enemy. The best way to go to war in this level is to choose fast and high attack troops. Take Xiao Qiao Taishi Cihe, two doctors, Zhang Hong and Huang Gai. There is no reward for completely destroying the enemy. You can also occupy the city. After the second round, Liu Bei's troops will appear and he will help you fight the enemy, But for the enemy's guns and Taoists, they will retreat soon. As long as the enemy's Taoists are not dead, they don't have to worry that they will occupy the city. After Sun Ce kills Yu Jin and Li, he rushes down to fight. Other people kill small soldiers to follow me. It is totally destroyed as long as it is for training and equipping this level's booty: Yinshou

17th Pass Battle of Nanjing

Single: Sun Ce vs Zhao Yun, Tai Shi, Ci vs Guan Yu

There are a lot of enemies in this pass, and they slowly lead down and kill one by one when encountering fierce enemies. First kill Zhao Yun, then Sun Ce increases attack and defense, and then go up and lead. If other people don't increase their status, just don't enter Zhao's attack range. After killing Zhao Yun and Sun Ce, turn to lead Guan Yu, and other people stay to kill small soldiers. Hehe, the Overlord Gun has finally reached 7 and even fought back twice, Be careful when guiding Guan Yu. Let's see if Zhang Fei and Guan Yu can get one first. If Guan Yu has a little red horse attacking him first, remember to take Xiao Qiao with him. When Guan is turned against, burn him with Xiao Qiao, When killing Liu Bei, be careful that his advisers first lead Liu out and kill him, and then ask Sun Ce to kill Zhuge Liang. It's not difficult. If it rains, it will be better. The booty of this pass: Yinshou Mysterious Wine

The 18th Battle of Fuling Pass

Ganning and Lingtong on the top had to fight slowly. Ganning (ancient ingot knife+fighting robe+copper horse armor), Lingtong armed with Xuanwu and halberd, drew out the archers and artillery one by one to kill them. Ganning retreated, so that it would be easier to fight. The troops in the city were found in the enemy's camp somewhere. At the same time, the enemy had eight archers. The ones below could be handed over to Sun Ce alone, When the fight in the middle is about the same, it's OK for the artillery to go down and help. It's not difficult to kill all

The booty of this pass: completely destroy the enemy's Yinshou Mysterious Wine (train two doctors to 45 and return to 49 as soon as possible, and then slow down the army, and Xiao Qiao at least to 43 and explode the sand.)

1. The 19th Battle of Guanluo City

At the beginning of the pass, there will be a plot. After being ambushed, Ling Tong will send Gan Ning no feather arrows. Before the start of the pass, he can not be equipped with auxiliary equipment. Ling Tong or Xuanwu armor halberd and this pass only have 6 rounds. In general, it is very simple to save Pang Tong. Just run down and be firm until you talk to Zhou Yu. If you don't save him, Pang Tong will also pass the pass, After passing the pass of death, Pang Tong got the jade chain armors. After the Chengdu showdown, Pang Tong left the team and gave Zhou Yu the important skills of Taiping. Choose one of two (save it. It's too powerful to use the explosive sand to hit the blue. The jade chain armors are useless to eat rice automatically)

Trophy of the Pass: Yinshou Mysterious Wine

The 20th Battle of Guanluo City 2

Dialogue: Gan Ning vs Zhang Ren gets the result of force, Ling Tong vs Zhang Ren gets the result of agility, and only one of the two can happen

The enemy will not attack on his own initiative in this level. He will attack you only when he is within the range of the enemy. Just pay attention to the distribution of forces

The booty of this stage: to completely destroy the enemy, you will get force and intelligence (nothing difficult)

The 21st Pass: Battle of Mianzhu

There are not many people going to battle in this pass. The upper level is matched with two people who are equipped with Xuanwu by Sun Quan. It is better for Ganning and Pang Tong to take plantains and golden crowns. If Pang Tong fails to save the 19th pass, Xiao Qiao will go to the lower level and destroy the enemies outside the city gate, Everyone retreats to the fence to start and end the four squares (I see many people ask what the next four squares mean. Let's talk about it here. That is, after Sun Ce kills all the people outside the pass in the front, everyone else except Chen Wu stays in front of the pass and retreats to the fence in front of the pass. The next four steps are when Chen Wu goes back to the beginning. There will be a single story between Chen Wu and Li Yan.), Li Yan died and got the golden cannons, and then Sun Quan appeared after the pass to capture the pass and get the intellectual fruit, and to completely destroy the enemy, he got the military fruit. One of the two passes' spoils: Yinshou

The 22nd Pass Attacks Chengdu at Night

There are a lot of people going out to fight in this pass, and good people will be assigned to the left and right. When they reach the enemy's attack range, they will take the initiative to attack. Just start paying attention to Brother Guan Er, Brother Zhang San and Huang Zhong. At the end of the fourth round, the enemy reinforcements Ma Chao, Zhuge Liang and four Xiliang cavalry appear from below the pass, and Sun Cehui will be sent to the order. The key is to guard the lower pass, and Sun Quan can just stand at the pass with more status, Why do you want Sun Quan? He He is not afraid of his lion helmet because Sun Quan only needs a little blood to fight Ma Chao. Liu Bei, Liu Zhang and Ma Chao in this pass have to come back to life after killing them. They can practice level well. At the beginning of the 15th round, our whole army retreated. At first, Sun Ce stepped forward to kill the infantryman Guan Yu after he came out and fought back. Huang Zhong asked those with Xuanwu armour to block him, Sun Ce will come back and kill him next round. Zhang Fei is good at using artillery to kill a few people. Then use a plan to kill Zhang Fei. Don't go in, or Huang Zhong will come and shoot you to death. When the four handsome boys outside are dead, they will go together to find Xiao Liu, Zhuge Liang went back to the artillery to kill him after he dropped his defense at the following level. He dragged it to the 15th round to pass the level. Most of the people who came out of the stage took Dong Ji out to play at the promotion point and later used the spoils of the level: none

The 23rd Pass Battle of Jiameng Pass

There are only seven soldiers in this level, so I think it is a very troublesome level. At the beginning, the story sheet will be automatically printed. It should be noted that the cavalry in the wasteland and Xiliang will be matched with equipment. Before the war, it is better to buy two meters more, and kill one when there is a chance. Ma Chao wants to kill him twice. The first time is to kill him below 50 points of blood, and he will revive once, The second time you hit him below 100, he will escape and enter the pass. At this time, once you kill him, you want to kill Ma Chao. Sun Ce talks to him, and you can get a force effect. The others are weak and will step back first, Let Sun Quan take the halberd and Gan Ning to block Sun Ce and Taishici. Those who want to survive are very mixed. And the siege can only be entered from Ma Chao (Note that killing Ma Chao to the two points is not to kill him at once. The best way to fight is to use Ganning to lower the defense first, and then let Sun Ce fight him. The next round will be 50 points, and Ma Chao will revive after using Ganning to lower the defense and kill him once.) The spoils of this level: none

The 24th level of the Chengdu showdown: Xu Sheng vs Huang Zhong (dead) gets Zhuge Nu. At the beginning, Ma Chao and Ma Dai retreat, and then Liu Bei is killed with both male and female swords. As for the friendly army Lu Xun, he can leave him alone. If he passes the pass without dying, there is still no treasure to take. What should be noticed in this level is that there are four strong men in front of him. At the beginning, Xu Sheng vs Huang Zhong (dead) gets Zhuge Nu Pang Tong attacked Sun Quan and made Sun Ce go up to kill Guan Yu. A doctor went up to add blood to Sun Ce, and Zhou Yu went back to the doctor and asked the doctor to go up to Sun Ce and kill Zhang Fei. Zhou Yu's position should allow the doctor below to return to him later. The doctor below returned to Zhou Yu, asked Zhou to return to the doctor above, and the doctor above returned to Sun Ce to kill Zhao Yun, The four strong men were killed at once. Gan Ning was asked to stop the White Ear Thief. There was nothing difficult behind Sun Ce. He could not keep up with the others. He died of fainting. (Doctor Lan Shao could use Zhou Yu and Pang Tong to suck blue at the enemy's place and then turn to him Pang Tong Leaves to Get the Essential Skill of Peace

25th Pass Battle of Xiaoyaojin

Single piece: Zhang Liao vs Zhou Tai (dead) kills the enemy outside the city, and the plot happens automatically

At the beginning, as soon as the enemies outside the city are killed on both sides, Sun Quan's ambush happens. Zhou Tai fights to save Sun Quan, and then the enemy Guan Yu takes Guan Yu to level off, Guan Xing and Guan Suo appear. Notice that these people who appear should send two people to kill them. If the pass wants to completely kill them, it is not difficult. It can be done in 10 rounds. Sun Quan is equipped with a gold armor and a lion's helmet. Gan Ning is giving Zhang Liao a lower defense, After defeating Zhang Liao in the third round, it should be noted that there is no treasure in the whole pass and escape. Those who want to improve their level and fruit can kill them slowly

Trophy of this pass: no postwar scenario Zhou Tai dies, guards armour Lv Meng is transferred to the position of commander, and the helmets of commander are obtained

26th Pass Xiaoyaojin Battle 2

The problem of personnel allocation is very important. Zhang Liao recovers his status every round, and the war participants can choose two doctors. Ma Chao, Xiao Qiao and Cheng Pu. First, Lv Meng runs back to the doctor who returns to Lv Meng and let him run ahead of Lu Xun. Then, Sun Quan goes to the lower right corner of Lv Meng to block the door for himself and Lv Meng to defend themselves. Then, he lets two doctors return to camp and explode sand in Lu Xun. Xiao Qiao also runs back to Qi He, Ma Chao and Cheng Pu follow him to prevent Zhang Liao from being attacked by the enemy. In the next round, Xiao Qiao also enters the camp to explode sand. Ma Chao and Cheng Pu block the door Lv Mengjia's blood. Two doctors returned with the explosion sand of plantain. After killing several infantrymen outside, they could kill them as they liked. Wait until the fifth round. Gan Ning appeared behind the enemy. As long as the city was occupied, the morale of the enemy would decline. The prize of this level: intelligence

The 27th Battle of Wakou Pass

At the beginning of the pass, all other troops of our army retreated. Only Tai Shici and a few unarmed friendly infantry fought against six tiger and leopard cavalries. It was suggested that Tai Shici should wear top defense equipment and be ready to retreat to the grassland at the lower left corner and slowly kill (snake spear and skin shield in the armor of Jia 4 and Jia 4). Because the enemy's tiger and leopard cavalry would revive indefinitely before our army's six round ambush appeared, The difficulty of this pass is that at first the enemy's tigers and leopards are very powerful. Kill them one by one. Don't touch them hard. Zhang He of this pass will revive once he kills them, After resurrection, each round+attack power. The battle personnel press 2 doctors, Ma Chao, Cheng Pu, with Xuanwu and halberd, and take Dong Ji's equipment and double swords out to raise the point. Xiao Qiao. At the beginning, Tai Shici ran to the left and down corners and ran to the corner with arrogance, so that only 3 people could beat him. As long as he was not confused and ate rice himself, he would not attack the enemy. Anyway, he could not kill the enemy until the team appeared. In the sixth round, Sun Ce and others appear. Xiao Qiao gets down and joins forces with Sun Ce in the next round. Cheng Pu goes to kill the doctor Dong Ji and others, if they are not high enough, will come down to guard and reward them. If they are high enough, they will go up to kill doctors, Sun Ce used the second grid below to kill Ma Chao to the left first, and also came to Sun Ce. Lu Su ran to the right and was killed by the tiger cavalry above. Two doctors came down and returned first. Ma Chao returned to Sun Ce and two doctors returned to each other after one attack. Only if they could be killed by the tiger cavalry under Sun Ce's door. After killing the tiger cavalry and Zhang He in the next round, Sun Ce and Ma Chao went to Zuoshan to fight with two doctors and Zhou Yu Xiao Qiaota joins the explosive sand and kills it from the right Trophy of this pass: intellectual fruit printing ribbon

The 28th Pass Battle of Tiandang Mountain

Single: Tai Shici vs Zhang He Dialogue: Zhou Yu vs Zhang He

This level is not difficult. The enemy will not take the initiative to attack. Just pay attention to the terrain and improve the state. After returning to Xiao Qiao, nobody will be killed after 4 rounds of explosive killing. The prize of this level: none

The 29th Battle of Pass Dingjun Mountain

Single article: Tai Shici VS Xia Houdun Xia Houyuan VS Han Dang (dead) Xu Sheng (HP less than 300) VS Xia Houyuan (Xu Sheng retreats) Xu Sheng (HP around 200) VS Xia Houyuan (HP below 200) (Han Dang VS Lu Bugong after Xia Houyuan)

Dialogue: Sun Ce vs Xia Houyuan Zhou Yu vs Xia Houyuan

Thanks for the help of the author, I got Lv Bu Gong (if I want to get the bow, I must let Han Dang and him die alone. Only when Xu Sheng and Xia Houyuan both have more than 200 blood each) and began to divide their forces to fight down the mountains on both sides, so that Sun Ce and his family could kill all of them. Next, I let Ma Chao take one person and two people to go there, because after five rounds, the enemy reinforcements would appear, and they would have to attack first, The bottom guard should not be too far ahead. Be careful of the forbidden combo attack and Xia Hou's assault armour. The two newly emerged infantrymen cannot go in front of each other. When they go to the trap, retreat. After occupying the two mountains for two rounds, Xia Houyuan will take the initiative to rush out and attack first. Pay attention here to avoid death. Take Lv Bugong and slowly practice the level. At the beginning, Ma Chao and Sun Ce will go down to fight. The others and Sun Ce will fight, Xiao Qiao explodes the sand, Tai Shici at the lower right, takes Xuanwu and artillery, and Lu Su to add Zhang Xuan and Lv Meng to the pass to fight at the foot of the mountain. The mountain will be chaotic. Only after Xia Houyuan leaves the mountain will there be no chaos. Sun Ce kills the first infantry and then fights Xia Houdun at the top of the pass, After killing Xia Houdun and his family, you can take someone to kill Cao Hong. Next, Ma Chao directly kills them and stops up and down the two barracks and returns to the middle together (You know two doctors and Zhou Yu return to Xiao Qiao, who lost all the archers and artillery in the second round of the sand explosion.) Trophy of this level: force, intelligence, commander

30th Pass Battle of Yangping Pass

Single piece: Ma Chao vs Cao Zhang, Ma Chao vs Zhang Fei, Ma Chao vs Pound (if Pound HP is less than 100, silver armor will be triggered)

Dialogue: Sun Ce vs Cao Cao Zhou Yu vs Sima Yi and Ma Chao vs Cao Cao

It was a bit difficult at the beginning. After the dialogue, Ma Chao retreated without a meat shield. He had to face attacks from three sides, left, middle and right. It was suggested to bring two doctors. Xiao Qiao Chengpu and Lv Meng were born. Dong Ji also took a gun cart and mounted a halberd at this time. Ma Chao appeared with a dragon gall and a lion in the fifth round, and the enemy's reinforcements Cao Zhang, Pang De and Zhang Fei also appeared. At this time, one chose to fight and retreat desperately There is nothing to retreat. Of course, we should fight desperately to get silver armour At first, a doctor attacked Xiao Qiao and Sun Cejia and killed the first six with Xiao Qiao's fire dragon. The others walked a few steps to the left and Dong attacked Sun Ce and Lv Mengjia, Don't be attacked by Xia Hou and others. Just wait until it's over. In the second round, all the people from both sides came first. Sun Ce killed Xia Houyuan to the right. In the past, a doctor returned to Sun and asked him to kill Zhang He. In the past, Zhou Yu returned to Sun and killed Sima. The Taishi Ci on the left took Xuanwu and the axe to the top to block. It's better to beat Sima in confusion or not use it properly. Cheng Pu and Dong Cheng are in the middle of the line of three people below Dug, don't let the enemy rush over to kill Xiao Qiao. Xiao Qiao will return after waiting for Jia and another doctor comes back. He killed Xia Houchun twice. He will stay a few. Another doctor will return Zhou Yu and another doctor to each other. Don't be attacked by the tiger cavalry on the right to return to Xiao Qiao, Let others beat Sun Ce to death (it's OK not to be attacked by the tiger cavalry. If Sun Ce is confused, use S/L to try twice), In the third round, Lv Meng added blood. Xiao Qiao killed all the fire dragons on his left and attacked the city together. There was no difficulty behind. Ma Chao came out and asked him to stand on the barracks and kill all the three lions after a few strokes Retreat: Ma Chao leaves the battlefield and retreats directly to permanent defense and outbreak+30

Fight desperately to trigger Cao Zhang, Zhang Fei and Pang De's one-on-one Ma Chao's permanent attack+30 loot of this level. Force fruit, intelligence fruit and peach fruit will be restored

The 31st Guanhe Feihe encirclement battle

There is no difficulty in this pass, but the defense of the city gate is very high. Just lower the defense. Slowly practice level and pay attention to the round

The booty of the customs: military fruit printing ribbon

The 32nd Pass: Battle of Hanzhong

Single article: Sun Ce vs Cao Zhangsun Ce Force 104 First Tai Shi Ci vs Cao Ren, then Sun Ce vs Cao Ren Desi Shouting Sword

Dialogue: Tai Shici vs Cao Zhangsun Ce vs Cao Cao

The first pass was more difficult than Yangping Pass. Our army was divided into two parts. At first, like Yangping Pass, our army was surrounded by the enemy. People on both sides assigned the battle personnel to choose Lvmeng, Ma Chao, Cheng Pu, Dong Ji, Zhu Heng (if your Zhu Heng is not connected, let the artillery take the halberd), Xiao Qiao take the lead, Zhang Gu, two doctors and Huang Gai. At first, Zhou Yu asked a doctor to attack Xiao Qiao's door, After asking Xiao Qiao to go forward and burn six of Xia Houyuan's photos (after several attempts, he must burn all six of them to this point), he asked Gong to stop Xu Huang's three. Zhang Xuan lied to mix all three of Sima's photos (keep more records). After this, he went to Sun Ce's side and asked Dong Ji to take a pair of swords to the left to make Sun Ce more defensive in front of Cao Zhang, Sun Ce seconds Sima Shi to the right. Ma Chao goes in front of Xia Houchun and kills Yu Jin Lvmeng. He goes up to the horse and helps kill Yu Jin. Tai Shi Cihe and Cheng Pu go to the same row with Ma Chao. Lu Su goes to the back of Ma Chao and burns at the expense of Lu Su. After the turn, don't let Xiao Qiao's enemies wake up a few more times. In the second round, Dong attacks back and gives Lvmeng a defense. Ma Chao first hits Zhang Hezi and then Tai Shi Cihe kills him, After Lv Meng added blood to everyone, Dong attacked back to his original position. Right Xiao Qiao also burned Xu Huang twice by the fire dragon and three people went back to burn Sima's three. In the two rounds on the right, they were all killed. Sun Ce was careful to be confused and killed slowly. Ma Chao was the first to fight and others were helping to kill him. In the third round, the doctors here could help add blood. Sun Ce tried his best to kill. He noticed that in the fourth round, When the enemy reinforcements appeared, two military divisions and two doctors on the left and right attacked first, so before the end of the fourth round, Xiao Qiao asked Xiao Qiao to change the weather to rainy days, and everyone moved to the middle. After the next round, they killed his door and attacked the city together. There was no ambush in the city, There are a lot of artillery in the inner city. Xiao Qiao is all capable of long-range attack. He wants to kill the artillery in the city together. Go to the middle and kill the loot of this pass together: recovery rice, shadow horse,

The 33rd Pass: Crossing the Meridian Valley

Dialogue: Zhou Yu vs Sima Yi, Lu Su vs Jia Xu

It's also a difficult level. Just like the previous levels, Zhou Yu was ambushed when he came out. This time, he was surrounded by four sides. Only eight people went to fight against Sun Ce's silver armor and lions, Lu Su's plantain golden crown and top protective clothing) two doctors, Zhuge Jin, took the bronze horse) the horse super, the gentian, the golden armor, and the battle horse) Zhu Heng, Zhuge Nuo, and the halberd). The order of the soldiers should not be disordered. Be careful that those three Sima would take the initiative to attack. Sima Yi's huge rock is very powerful on the wasteland. Just keep away from the huge rock, (This level should be the most difficult one you've played before. Save it before you start. Take it easy.) At first, Zhuge went up to Zhu Heng to attack Ma Chao by two squares, Attack Ma Chao at the bottom of Xia Houyuan when he lets Ma Chao go. Hit three attack horses behind Xia Houyuan when Zhu Heng goes to the bottom of Zhuge Jin and kill Xia Houyuan. Give the bow behind Ma Chao an array when he lets Lu go up. Return to Lu Su when Zhou Shang comes up Lu Su gave a fire dragon to the bowmen in front of him on the right side of Zhuge Jin to burn Yu Jin's four bowmen together. After Yu Fan came back, Lu Su burned all four bows at once

In the first round, as long as Sun Ce did not give chaos and immortality (it was easy to block the main attack and hit the air at random, he would not die and could just use his overlord skills), he would not be afraid. The three designated archers could not let him move, In the second round, Zhu Heng went behind Sun Ce and attacked Ma Chao in front of him. Later, Zhuge came over to Zhou Yu and gave everyone a group of blood. Lu Su came down to Zhu Heng and gave the tiger cavalry under Sun Ce a dragon Yu Fanbu gave Lu Hui back and let him kill Xu Huang and his family five times. Zhou Yu gave Lu Su and killed all the people in front of the Di Long before Zhou Yu's return. Ma Chao went to kill the moving bow horse. The others who would not move were killed in the next round. I was unlucky that Sun Ce was immobilized and Tai Shici was confused and didn't wake up. Only let Sun Ce give me

Let Tai Shici go to the back and kill a bow horse. If both of them wake up, Sun Ce can go up and kill a footbow. In the third round, several of them were killed by Ma Chao, and there was almost one bow horse and one mountain bandit. Ma Chao went forward to kill Sima Yi. After Zhu Heng shot him, he would die and give the last tiger horse. Then he could kill Ma Chao and Sima with one knife, After killing this, Ma Chao and Tai Shici went down to kill Zhang Hetamen, leaving a footbow to wait until the last kill, so that all the closed things on the door can be obtained. Sun Cetamen killed three soldiers on the left and then attacked the checkpoint. The three marksmen let Lu Su fire dragon two times, just fly Cao Hong with fire (remember to strengthen the line and let Lu run faster) In the next round, let Zhu Heng return at the close and shoot him a few times to finish the prize of the level: paint the black Taoist robe to completely destroy the enemy

The 34th Pass Chang'an Raid

There is no difficulty in this level. At the beginning of the story, Deng Aizhong, the enemy's reinforcements, will appear with Lv Bu and Zhang Fei, and will be alone automatically. Tai Shici is the god of war for the time being, and has learned the special skill that the god of war will come (to a certain extent, he will turn to fight with the god for several rounds). Ma Chao will also automatically get the meaning of assisting the phoenix. Before this level goes out of battle, he can stop pretending to be assisted, First kill Zhang Fei and burn Lv Bu. Wait for Deng Ai to come down in the plus sign and kill a row with explosive fire in the second round. Kill him in the siege. There is no other treasure in this level. Gradually improve the level of this level's prize: Mi Mystery Wine

35th Pass Chang'an Battle 2

Single piece: Jiang Qin vs Yu Ban Can Pierce the Clouds

There is no difficulty in this pass. At the beginning, when the cavalry was eliminated, Sun Ce was asked to enter the ambush before it appeared, and the rest of the people should go in first. When everyone can move in the next round, Sun Ce should go in to lead out the ambush. Otherwise, once the city gate is closed, we will not be able to enter. When the enemy ambush appears, our army will lose morale, burning two Zhang He, and burning two Lv Bu, and then mixing with two Lv Bu Jiang Qin is just inside the gate. It's good that he will die if he goes in. There are two city gates up and down that can be fought. Then we can slowly improve our level

36th Pass Shouchun Battle

In a simple pass, our army was divided into two teams. Although there were few people to fight, just assign good people. At the end of the third round, Wang Shuang, the enemy's reinforcements, appeared on the top left. Just send someone a few steps to the left to block the protection plan. As long as you kill the nearby guards in four corners of the city, Zhang Liao's armor disappears, he will have no clothes to wear, In addition, only Gan Ning can get the purse from the treasure house in the city

37th Pass Battle of Runan

Single: Ganning VS Xia Houdun (dead), cavalry assault Kai

This pass is not very difficult, but there are few rounds. The enemy has two reinforcements. After the third round, Guan Yuguan is flat and Guan Xing appears with cavalry. We must send people with high defense to block it, otherwise the military advisers will die. After the fifth round, Xia Houdun appears with tiger and leopard cavalry. Continue to attack ahead. It is still possible to completely destroy. From the beginning, we will attack the city with all our strength and kill all the tiger cavalry in the third round, Let Sun Quan and Ma Chao fight at the gate to guard against any blank space. The little red horse of Guan Yu can rush in and kill all the others. Xia Houdun's group is a little far away. Wait until he catches up and look for him. Sun Quan's twin swords and golden armour open the way. Ma Chao is willing to break down The booty of this pass: to destroy all enemies, you have to pray for gods and precious jade (It took me two times to get Baoyu in the pass of fainting. The first time was to block Guan Yu's four doors and only three were broken. After that, Sun Quan and Ma Chao were allowed to block on the door by two people, the former Dong Xi and the latter three. After that, they attacked forward without hitting the last door. Finally, they didn't get Baoyu after all the doors were destroyed. Finally, they wanted to go back and hit the door. There was no time to hit the door. Only two rounds of running were not enough.)

The 38th Pass Battle of Luoyang

This level is not difficult. Our army is divided into four sides to attack. The evil generals and tigers and leopards inside and outside the city will come back to life in about five rounds after they are killed. It's OK to protect the army teachers to pass (it's better to concentrate people in four places to attack on the bottom and the right two sides. It's better not to concentrate too much. There is no advantage to disperse too much. The doctors and slow runners are divided into two groups, Zhou Yu and Lu Su). By the end of the 20th round, let Xiao Qiao change the rainy weather, Sima Yi will open the inner city gate and take the initiative to attack. Be careful, or he will die. He will defeat Cao Hong and get the booty of the Iron Helmets Pass: the panacea, the mysterious wine, to restore the peach

The 39th Pass Xuchang Battle

(Many strategies in this level have written about a trick to end early: what weapons can Da Qiao and Sun Quan bring to break the two doors below Cao Cao and then rush in to destroy Cao Cao. I don't know if he has ever tried to write such a strategy, and I don't know if they were all copied from that JB. Anyway, I have tried two weapons, namely, the Holy Sword and the Sizhao Sword. Fixed damage 1 At 50 o'clock, these two weapons are not only available to Big Qiao and Sun Quan. All the counsellors with swords can also carry the holy sword, and the Sishao sword like Dong Xi and Gan Ning can also carry them. In saying that they cannot be broken, Those two doors are equipped with jade armour and can eat 100 points of rice automatically. The attack is only 150 points, that is to say, only 50 points of blood will be lost in each attack. Even if three returns can only lose 250 points of blood after adding two weapons for 5 times at most in one round, the door has 900 points of blood and automatically full of blood in each round. How can you break through with these two weapons before the door automatically opens for 20 rounds after 38 rounds of the last round

At first, there are two options: 1) ignore the Son of Heaven: our army will attack, and the enemy will attack more; 2) decide to surrender: our army will attack, and the enemy will defend more. No matter which one we choose, Sun Ce will enter the middle of the inner city, and the Son of Heaven will be killed. As soon as our army hits Cao Cao, Sima Yi will summon the devil generals and tigers and leopards to ride around, but as long as Sima Yi is killed, The evil general and the tiger and leopard cavalry will retreat, and kill slowly. There is no suspense. Concentrate on killing all the way in. Just a few evil soldiers. Please let Sun Ce and Lu Tu go in for seconds. Sima Yi will do


In the game, players can get some treasure rewards if they can win some battles. For players who like to collect, it is difficult to collect all the treasures in the game. For players who do not know how to obtain the treasures, the following section provides a list of the ways to obtain the treasures.

Sun Ce player line (fictional line) of Dongwuzhi's final equipment:

Military general weapon armor treasure remark

Sun Ce's Overlord Weapon Gold Armor Money Bag is unparalleled in attack and defense!

Commander Zhou Yu's weapon, Commander Zhou Yu, orders himself to use Qi, both civil and military, and a quasi omnipotent mage!

Lu Xun Curse, the sage, the sword, the lacquered black Taoist suit, the ghost, for his own use. He has both civil and martial arts skills, and is all a mage!

Sun Quan's guards, male and female, double swords, guard armors, double cross attacks! The above four must play

Lvmeng Commander's Iron Ridge Snake Spear Commander's Helmet was trained again after being transferred to the post, attacking all Wudishan

Ma Chao, a brave cavalry, a dragon gall, a basalt armour, a phoenix, the first striker of the Uprising! Blocking and counterattacking fixed defense reduction, and the warrior has a chance to poison the attack

Tai Shi Ci's bodyguard's weapon axe silver armored cavalry assault armor for self use, long range attack, first stop

Jiang Qin's Crossbow Soldier Zhuge's Crossbow Penetrates Cloud and Yaw Double Barrel Artillery! The first killer

Ganning Haojie calls sword without feather arrow, curses and lowers defence, and attacks from a fixed distance

Yellow Hat Fist, Holy Iron Whip, Fighting Robe, Fighting Gloves, Self use Qi combination, the chief killing weapon, and give priority to attack to confuse the enemy

Big Qiao's Heroine Iron Helmet seduces and kills enemies, and the surrounding area automatically recovers and boosts morale

Chen Wu Thunderbolt Cart Gold Cannon War Horse Artillery=Sure Main Force, Long range Cross Attack

Military adviser Lu Su, white feather fan, gold crown, self use gas combination, fire plan first! Group a large-scale fire attack with Zhou Yu and Lu Xun

Zhuge Jin, the miracle doctor, the first aid team of Taiping Essential Skills+return. It's absolutely different to add five fences or not

Yu Fanshen prayed for the gods and precious jade as above; Once the white tiger comes out, you will lose nothing!

PS: (Precautions for Sun Ce's player line)

Zhou Tai and Fei fought each other to kill the guard armor

Han Dang can only get Lv Bu's bow if he fights in Dingjun Mountain alone (unfortunately, Xu Sheng is the main force)

Trigger requirements for Sun Ce's special skill "Overlord Rebirth": HP<30, and the five dimensions are increased

Trigger requirement of Big Qiao's special skill "Qing Guo Qing Cheng": blood and strategy value<10, the enemy's whole army is in chaos

Tai Shici's special skill "conquer and come" in the later stage: turn blood<60 into Zhanshen for 5 rounds

The final key point: Lu Xun and Zhou Yu successively used the "Eight Array Diagram" to make the middle two gates of the jade lined defense disorderly, and then besieged and cut them down to attack the Yellow Dragon

Dongwu Zhi's suggestions and precautions on treasure allocation (limited to 15 people in the final battle): By nocry115/clay straw shoes


Sun Quan player line of Dongwuzhi's final equipment (historical line):

Military general weapon armor treasure remark

Sun Quan Overlord Ancient Ingot Sabre Xuanwu Armor Taiping Qing Leader's Own Hegemony, Integrating Attack and Defense

Commander Zhou Yu's weapon: Commander Zhou Yu orders himself to use Qi, which is both civil and military

Sun Yi, the god of war overlord's weapon, the golden armor, the red rabbit horse, the god of war, has a chance to rise up automatically every round of chaotic attacks, blocking the gods!

Lu Xun, the magician of the Curse of Banana, the fan and the cloak of crane, the vital art of peace, uses qi for his own use. All the magicians!

Add the white feather fan gold crown eight array figure of the army cavalry sergeant; The above five must play

Cheng Pu's pro guard Fangtian Painted halberd, a series of armored cavalry, attacks the armor for their own use. They must brush Fangtian Painted halberd, coupled with a series of attacks, the chief killing weapon!

Han Dang, the war horse of the Thunderbolt chariot, was transferred to the artillery. Of course, he was the main force

Chen Wu Thunderbolt Cart Gold Cannon Gun Windmill Wheel Gun Cart=Main Force, Long range Cross Attack

Jiang Qin's crossbow soldier Zhuge's crossbow pierces the cloud and arrow is simply=Han Dang+Chen Wu, a big double barrel artillery!

Zhou Tai's guards, male and female, double swords, and their guards made two cross attacks, comparable to Jiang Qin

Ding Fengquan, Holy Iron Whip, Fighting Robe, Fighting Gloves, Self use Qi combination, chaos around (inherit Huang Gai)

Zhang Zhaojun's division Dunjia Tianshu uses qi combination to attack experts

Zhang Zhiyi's Seven Star Sword Gold Crown Obstructing Taoism is absolutely easy to use, especially when infinite resurrection

Zhuge Jin's magic doctor, the Iron Helmet First Aid Team+return, adding five fences is absolutely different from not adding

Yu Fan, the miracle doctor, phoenix, feather clothes, praying for gods and precious jade, ditto; Once the white tiger comes out, you will lose nothing!

PS: (Precautions for Sun Quan's player line)

Huanggai mourns the death of Red Cliff

Tai Shici died in Hefei, and Sun Yi became the god of war

Lu Su Dies at Xiaoyaojin

Lv Meng is killed by Guan Yu

Xu Sheng fights Huang Zhong and is killed

Burning company battalion: Zhou Yu returns with an average grade, and Han Dang is transferred to heavy artillery vehicle; Ganning in this pass will die if he fights Samo alone; Player level difficulty: after the war (save in the last round), you can get a treasure (if you want to use the whole treasure map, you can use the Heaven Reliant Sword). I suggest Fang Tian draw halberd

Key points of the eight array picture: banana fan+phoenix feather coat+Taipingqing collar; From the upper left cabin to the left stairway, SL can enter the upper middle three treasures square house several times to get the war horse (upper right treasure chest); The middle and lower cabins enter the left stairway entrance, and SL can enter the Bagua Square House several times. The stairway entrance meets the enemy, and the espionage is first followed by the fire; The last demonic general will lead out from the lower left three squares and return to guard the entrance of the ladder; Kill the four demons and then step into the middle area!

[Fruit culture]

In the game, the fruit may increase the attributes of the generals, but the number of fruit is limited, and it is obviously not enough for each character to be cultivated. Therefore, players need to be careful and use the fruit on the characters who are worthy of cultivation. For players who do not know which generals are worthy of cultivation, you can see the fruit use recommendations brought by Xiao Bian.

The main force should eat the non main force fruit first.

The main force shall eat first if there are few fruits

Arms attribute is arranged as force command, intelligence, agility and luck

Character attribute>100 100 98-90 88-80 78-70 68-60<60

SS               8       7           7         6          6       5          5

S                7       7           6         6          5       5          4

A+               7       6           6         5          5      4           4

A                 6       6           5         5          4      4           3

B+               6       5           5         4          4      3           3

B                 5       5           4         4          3      3           2

C+               5       4           4         3          3      2           2

C                 4       4            3        3          2      2           1

1. Sun Jian's doomed characters didn't waste fruit in the early stage, and they also carried a lot of drops in front of him, almost never killed monsters.

2. Sun Ce's army: the main force of Little Overlord

Character attribute: 100 96 78 88 70 arms attribute SS A B+A A+

Before not eating the fruit, the ability points obtained per level are: 7 5 4 5 5 Should eat the fruit: 2 unity 6 intelligence 6 agility 10 luck

After eating the fruit, the character will get 7 6 5 6 6 ability points per level

Personal suggestion: because Sun Ce is a person who must go out of every pass, and can train early in the two earlier stages of the unified system, he must have six earlier stages of the intelligent system. If you don't have 10 luck, you don't have to eat. Later, Sun Ce's force will exceed 100. The growth of force will be 8

3. Zhou Yu's army: the main force of the governor

Character attribute: 84 98 98 82 80 Arms attribute A+A A+B+B+

The ability points obtained for each level before taking the fruit are: 5 5 6 4 4 Should take the fruit: 3 martial arts 1 unification 4 agility 5 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 6 5 5 ability points per level

Almost a perfect person doesn't eat much fruit. In the early stage of Wutong, you can have the agility to eat as early as possible and the luck is estimated to be available in the middle and later stages.

4. Lingcao arms: light cavalry

Character attribute: 88 78 70 80 78 arms attribute A+B+B B+B+

Before failing to eat the fruit, the ability points obtained per level are: 5 4 3 4 4 Should eat the fruit: 2 martial arts, 6 martial arts, 5 intelligence, 5 agility, 6 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 5 4 5 5 ability points per level

This person will die in the middle of the year. Eating too many fruits has no obvious effect, so I don't know whether Lingtong will inherit the attribute if it comes out without eating fruits?

5. Tai Shici's army: main force of light cavalry

Character attribute: 96 92 76 93 80 Arms attribute A+B+B B+B+

Before not eating fruit, the ability points obtained per level are: 6 5 3 5 4 Should eat fruit: 2 wisdom 5 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 5 4 5 5 ability points per level

The main cavalry force of our army turns into the god of war?? Eating fruit requires not eating early and getting results early.

6. Cheng Pu's arms: light cavalry half main force

Character attribute: 90 78 76 72 86 Arms attribute A+B+B B+B+

The ability points obtained for each level before not eating the fruit are: 6 4 3 4 4 Should eat the fruit: 6 control, 2 wisdom and 2 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 5 4 4 5 ability points per level

The agility of B+needs 9 to 90 to 5. It is suggested that it is not too much if we don't have 6 commands early. It is a pity that our cavalry don't have many useful figures or too many weapons to throw into the warehouse.

7. Han Dang's arms: half main force of bow riding

Character attribute: 86 76 72 74 78 Arms attribute A+B+B A

The ability points obtained for each level before failure are: 5 4 3 4 4 Should eat fruit: 2 Force 7 Unity 4 Wisdom 3 Agility 1 Luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 5 4 5 5 ability points per level

Personal advice: Although the demand for fruit is not very much, it does not cultivate value.

8. Zhou Tai's arms: main force of infantry

Character attribute: 92 86 78 70 82 Arms attribute A A+B B+A

Before not eating the fruit, the ability points obtained per level are: 5 5 3 4 5 Should eat the fruit: 4 martial arts, 2 martial arts, 1 wisdom

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 6 4 4 5 ability points per level

A meat shield with good force. 2. Tongke can eat force early, and he is eating more fruit.

9. Dong Ji's arms: Infantry

It's needless to say one piece of garbage. Let's exchange it for fruit

10. Huanggai Army: the main substitute of martial artists

Character attribute: 88 80 78 92 78 arms attribute A A B S B

Before failing to eat the fruit, the ability points obtained per level are: 5 5 3 6 3 Should eat the fruit: 6 force 1 wisdom 4 agility 1 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 5 4 7 4 ability points per level

Personal suggestion: Commanders can become the main force if they don't have to eat agility until it reaches 7

11. Chen Wu: artillery, needless to say, the MOD artillery is the main force

Character attribute: 86 72 68 80 96 arms attribute A+A B C+A

The ability points obtained for each level before failing to eat the fruit are: 5 4 4 3 5 Should eat the fruit: 2 force 4 unity 5 agility 2 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 5 4 4 6 ability points per level

Jin Guan Cannon+Sun Tzu's Art of War=Super Biochemical Weapon Fruit smashing here is definitely worth the money!

12. Jiang Qin's arms: the main force of archers

Character attribute: 78 82 68 68 94 Arms attribute A B+B B+S

The ability points obtained for each level before failing to eat the fruit are: 4 4 3 3 6 Should eat the fruit: 11 Force 4 Unity 1 Agility 3 Luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 6 5 3 4 7 ability points per level

Zhuge crossbow+gold dart=super cannon Although 11 weapons are a little more, they are definitely worth more!

13. Zhang Zhao's army: strategist

Character attribute: 58 62 88 74 76 Arms attribute C B+S B B+

The ability points obtained per level before eating the fruit are: 1 3 6 3 4

General super bench strategists with various abilities Ah! Don't eat the fruit!

14. Zhang Xuan's Army: Taoist

Character attribute: 22 60 90 76 76 Arms attribute B B+A+B+A

The ability points obtained per level before eating fruit are: 2 3 6 4 4 Eating fruit: 5 intelligence and 2 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 2 3 7 4 5 ability points per level

Just eat some intellectual fruit. Don't expect him to chop people. It's good not to eat it. Must kill is good and practical.

15. Lv Fan: Taoist

Character attribute: 70 64 86 70 78 Service attribute B B+A+B+A

Before not eating fruit, the ability points obtained per level are: 3 3 5 4 4 Eating fruit: 3 systems 2 intelligence 1 luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 3 4 6 4 5 ability points per level

Zhang Youmin's defense is high, and Lv Fan's defense is high, so the difference is not big. Who you like to choose depends on your own preferences.

16. Yu Fan's Army: Main Force of Feng Shui Scholars

Character attribute: 72 60 92 92 78 arms attribute C B A+A A

The ability points obtained for each level before eating fruits are: 2 3 6 5 4 Fruit eating: 4 Agility 1 Luck

After eating the fruit, the character gets 2 3 6 6 5 ability points per level

A highly agile doctor can make up for the lack of defense. A very useful professional doctor.

Configuration Requirements

Minimum configuration:

Operating system: Windows 7 or higher

Processor: 2GHz

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics card: 2048mb

DirectX version: 11

Storage space: 1 GB free space required

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