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 Cosmic giant Seaman mobile game

Universal giant Siman mobile game official version of Android v2.3.2

Game type: cosplay | Game size: 84MB

Game language: Simplified Chinese | Updated: 2024-03-28

Related labels: Magic Version Q adventure


Cosmic giant Seaman mobile game (He Man Tappers of Grayskul) is a role-playing game. It is an adventure mobile game with cartoon Q style. In the game, players will play the hero Seaman for adventure. The universe giant Seaman mobile game is very interesting. Hurry to enter this magical world!

 Cosmic Giant Seaman Tour 1

Game features

-Welcome the triumphal return of the universe giant Seaman mobile game hero

-Organize an invincible offensive force against the terrible enemy

- Fight with Skeletor's large army on the way

- Call more than 20 He Man companions, including the familiar She Ra, Man At Arms, and Teela, to help you win the war!

- Collect 37 most powerful ancient artifacts hidden in Eternia Kingdom

- Upgrade your character and use various skills to defeat the Great Demon King

- Shuttle through 12 different places in Eternia Kingdom to start an epic adventure

Game play

1. The evil Skeletor got an ancient magic stone, which can transform anyone into a giant, including himself.

2. Using the magic obtained in a despicable way, Skeletor turned every member of his vicious army into a monster! Whether you can defeat the evil force depends on you, He Man!

3. Call He Man's companion, the cosmic hero, to help you fight against the huge army of Skeletor. Strengthen your ability and unleash powerful power to catch all his evil organizations! Discover and collect the oldest artifact of Eternia Kingdom to help you fight against evil!


The operation of this game is relatively simple and easy to use (lucky for beginners), which can be basically completed by clicking or scratching the screen. The round system is adopted in the battle. When you start to attack, you need to draw the enemy's head to attack (the faster you ski, the faster you attack). This is very necessary to test your hand speed. As long as your hand speed is fast, everything is floating clouds. Use skills if needed. Then add a click skill operation (hand speed) in front. If the enemy's strength is too strong, then you need a hero from Seaman to join in the battle. The most important thing in the game of Rounds is the teammates, but the wild can't blindly join the incombustible is cannon fodder. You need to master the attributes and skill characteristics of each hero skillfully, and reasonable collocation can achieve the maximum effect.

 Universal Giant Seaman Tour 2

There are 7 levels in total. Each level has many small levels and the last BOSS. What you have to do is defeat the last BOSS. The final goal is to defend the evil world by the rival skeleton king of Seaman. Seaman has a total of 6 skills in the game, as well as his signature skills, the whirling axe and the windmill chop, which can be freely matched. However, these skills need to spend a lot of crystal to buy in the shop.

 Cosmic Giant Seaman Tour 3

When you start playing, you need to quickly click on the enemy, and constantly kill those enemies. Remember that the hand speed demon is fast! It is important to collect a large number of gold coins. Because this amount can get a lot of rewards. Because a large number of gold coins can be upgraded and equipment can be purchased. Otherwise, the big picture in the later stage is very difficult to play. But also pay attention to upgrading the level of recognition characters, so that the attack power will rise. Gold coins can be used to unlock and upgrade our partners, because this is a round game, but partners are very important. Good partners can make it easier for you to win in the battle, but we should also pay attention to the lineup. We must correctly eliminate those enemies, so that we can have more bonuses and become more powerful later. It's easier to fight the Skeleton King!

Special instructions

Game information

  • MD5:

Screenshot of the game

  •  Universal Giant Seaman Tour 1
  •  Universal Giant Seaman Tour 2
  •  Cosmic Giant Seaman Tour 3
  •  Cosmic Giant Seaman Tour 4
  •  Cosmic Giant Seaman Tour 5
  •  Cosmic Giant Seaman Tour 6

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Magic Games

Of fifty-one Paragraph)

The Magic Game Collection refers to the mobile games with the game background based on magic stories. Their story background is either based on the original novel or movie, or created by individuals or groups. It is full of imagination. I believe that players who like this type of games are gods. For this reason, I have specially collected a lot of mobile games about magic, Go to download it if you like.


Q version of mobile tour

Of fifty-one Paragraph)

The Q version of mobile games is a cute game compiled for players. There will be various cute characters in the game, which are deeply loved by players. I believe that players will love this type of game, and players who like it should not miss it!


Complete Manual of Adventures

Of fifty-one Paragraph)

Adventure mobile games are mainly games to explore the unknown and solve puzzles. This type of mobile games has a rich story, which mainly tests the observation and analysis ability of players. Here is a small series of adventure mobile games for everyone. Interested players, please download it.

Download address

Universal giant Siman mobile game Android official version V2.3.2

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    Permission requirements

    Get network status: Allow getting network information status

    Get WiFi status: Allow to obtain the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information

    Access network: Allow programs to access network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

    Write to external storage: Allow programs to write to external storage

    Use vibration: Allow program vibration

    Read files in external storage space of the device: Allow applications to read files in the external storage space of the device

    Read phone status: Allow programs to access phone status

    Wake up lock: Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off

    Automatic startup permission: Allow the program to start and run automatically

    Allow NFC communication: Allow the program to perform NFC short-range communication operation