Gun glory mobile game download | Gun glory Android v1.7.2 download _ Dangyou
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 The glory of gun

Gun Glory Android v1.7.2

Game type: Strategic tower defense | Game size: 18MB

Game language: English original | Updated: 2024-05-28

Related labels: Go through the customs


The glory of gun It is a strategic tower defense game and a strategic mobile game with cartoon style. Players in the game will experience the scenes and human settings under the background of the Western Development. The game is very interesting, so hurry to enter this magical world! Different types of weapons and arms will become the key to your success. From a brave shooter to a deadly sniper, you can hire all kinds of powerful characters according to your tactical needs. Reasonably arrange their position and movement, use the terrain subtly, and establish defense lines to resist the enemy's attack. Each character has unique skills and characteristics. You need to be good at deployment and use their advantages to maximize combat effectiveness.

Game features

1. The desert with yellow sand flying, the cactus falling, and the train roaring past are full of the feeling of western movies!

2. There are so many game characters, the glory of guns, and many kinds of battle matches. There are endless fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered. What you need to do is to save enough money to wake up these thieves who lie on the ground and sleep, and start attacking those guys who pass by.

3. Glory of the Gun Put on your mask, fill it with bullets, and take your little brother to kill the caravan full of gold coins!

4. Cheerful shouting, happy fighting, different roles, different beliefs! Play with the glory of guns and experience the alternative life of western thieves!

 Gun glory picture 1

Game highlights

Tower defense games on mobile phones

The western wilderness is the background of the game

Gun Glory Bandits can upgrade to 3 levels

Guns, rockets, explosives, cannons

10 types of enemies and teams

Excellent game balance

High score ranking and sharing function

10 difficulty levels

If the glory of the gun is dug to gold and the vitality is upgraded, you will get extra rewards for living

 Gun glory picture 2

Analysis of various arms


The glory of the gun is used to kill immigrants in the early and late stages of the glory of the gun. After the gun rises to 3 in the later stages, the firing speed is fast. The immigration clearance is good, but not good for vehicles.


Although the first few passes were very good, the back became slag. The damage caused by hitting immigrants was low, and there were few cars. The first few passes were good, but they were strongly not recommended later.


It's a good kind of weapon. Although the damage is low, it can shoot fast and move fast. It's the best choice to clean up the rich immigrant knight doctors, but the damage caused by riding a carriage is too little.


The glory damage of the gun is slow, expensive, not good at dealing with immigrants, and good at dealing with carriages. The gold car is very useful later.

 Gun glory picture 3


The upgraded version of cannon (㐃 - 㐃)

the elderly

The damage is extremely low, but it can slow down the speed. It's very useful to put several in places with strong firepower.


Bugs are the same. They cause great damage, have a wide range, and are cheap. This kind of weapon has a high cost performance ratio.

Snake Oil Merchant

The honor of the gun is also a high cost performance figure. You can fight a lot of people and the building owner likes them very much.


He is good at playing in the Year of the Horse and has a low hit rate, but he is also a strong character.


The best candidate to fight open horse, but not suitable for other arms, especially gold chariots.

 Gun glory picture 4


Low life, but good at using crowd tactics. It is recommended to use revolvers, snake oil traders and sharpshooters


Immigration enhanced version, with higher HP and less quantity, recommended to be the same as upstairs

open car

HP is greatly increased compared with the previous arms. Cannons, Indians and arson are recommended

Wooden cart

Enhanced version of the convertible

golden car

It's a deceitful unit. Its HP has increased tremendously. Cannon is recommended. Other units get too little HP

 Gun glory picture 5


High HP will increase blood in the range. It is correct to kill with sharpshooters and revolvers as soon as possible


The blood volume is high and different. Trains are best at picking up these goods

First Pass Strategy

In the game, players play the role of villains and robbers to rob passers-by. In the game, we use a variety of combat strategies and cooperation to deal with wave after wave of fat sheep to attack these unlucky guys.

1. At the beginning of the game, the soldiers in the red circle are the free robbers that we began to give to us, and we need to use them against the past merchants;

 Gun glory picture 6

2. Click and select the cowboy, and drag it to the appropriate position to fight;

 Gun glory picture 7

3. Try to wake up other cowboys. They find that they don't have enough money and are unwilling to travel. Players need to slowly accumulate gold coins;

4. When the gold coins are enough, we can summon other soldiers, and then deal with the second wave of enemies;

 Gun glory picture 8

5. The enemy has changed. There are carriages that can summon Mexicans to throw bombs.

 Gun glory picture 9

6. We should not let the enemy run too much. If we exceed a certain number, we will fail;

 Gun glory picture 10

7. The stable car was broken, and continued to output, and won the victory easily.

Reason for recommendation

Reasonably arrange the formation: Before starting each level, carefully observe the map and reasonably arrange your formation. Try to take advantage of the terrain, such as hills or buildings, to protect your units and enable them to attack the enemy better. At the same time, consider the enemy's march route and place the unit at the position where it is easiest to intercept the enemy.

Diversified arms selection: There are many arms to choose from in the game, each of which has its own characteristics and skills. Make reasonable use of the advantages of different arms, and adjust your formation according to the opponent's choice of arms. For example, powerful melee units can be used to charge enemy positions, while remote units can provide long-range firepower support.

Upgrade and unlock new units: By winning battles and gaining in-game currency, you can upgrade your units and unlock new arms. Be sure to allocate your resources reasonably, and give priority to upgrading those units you often use to improve their combat ability. At the same time, try to unlock new arms to enrich your formation, because each arm has unique skills and fighting style.

Close cooperation and cooperation: If you play games with friends, cooperation and cooperation will be the key to success. You can work together with your friends to take charge of different defense lines or attack directions. Timely communication and mutual support will greatly increase your chances of success.

Pay attention to resource management: In the game, you need to manage your resources reasonably, including gold coins and the number of units. Don't blindly spend gold coins to upgrade units. Consider the value and actual needs of each unit. At the same time, make sure you have the right number of units, and don't over own units to avoid wasting resources.

Learn to adjust tactics: In the game, the type and number of enemies will change constantly. You need to adjust your tactics flexibly according to the situation. If you find your defense line is broken by the enemy, consider adjusting the position of the unit or using special skills to counter attack. Only by constantly learning and trying new tactics can we gain advantages in battle.

Special instructions

Game information

  • MD5:

Screenshot of the game

  •  Gun glory 1
  •  Gun Glory 2
  •  Gun Glory 3
  •  Gun Glory 4
  •  Gun Glory 5

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Gun Glory Android V1.7.2

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    Permission requirements

    Use vibration: Allow program vibration

    Access network: Allow programs to access network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

    Wake up lock: Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off

    Get network status: Allow getting network information status