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 Shadow war

Shadow War Android Mobile v1.0.11

Game type: Action combat | Game size: 207.7MB

Game language: Simplified Chinese | Updated: 2024-05-15

Related labels: adventure dark


Shadow war It is a role-playing game full of darkness and mystery. The background is set in the mysterious Shadow Kingdom. Players will face groups of monsters to explore the mysteries hidden in the shadow field. The game provides a variety of career choices, and each career has unique skills and abilities. The highlight of the game is that players can choose to become the ultimate shadow killer, powerful warrior, cunning thief or wise mage according to their own preferences. The unique style of the screen, full of mystery and danger, makes the players feel as if they are in a real shadow world. In the shadow war, players will play a brave warrior and fight with various monsters in the shadow field. Players need to carefully choose their own professions and skills, and constantly improve their own strength through challenges and exploration. Come and try Shadow War!

 Shadow war pictures

Game features

1. Multiple career choices: The ultimate shadow killer, powerful soldier, cunning thief, wise mage

2. Unique painting style: Full of mystery and danger, creating a real shadow world experience

3. Enrich the game content: A large number of hidden treasures, powerful leaders and other challenges

4. Free choice of occupation and skills: Improve strength through continuous challenge and exploration

5. Various monster types: Every battle is full of challenges and excitement

 Shadow war pictures

How do you play?

In "Shadow War Places Survival", it is very important to develop an effective placement strategy.

 Shadow War 1

First, understand the attack methods and weaknesses of different enemies, and reasonably arrange the position and formation of shadow soldiers.

Secondly, consider the influence of terrain and obstacles, and use them to block the enemy's attack or create a favorable combat environment.

 Shadow War 2

At the same time, timely adjust the strategy according to the battle process to respond to the changes of the enemy.

How to improve combat power

Improving the combat effectiveness of shadow soldiers is the key to success.

In the game, the ability of soldiers can be improved by upgrading, strengthening equipment, learning new skills, etc.

 Shadow War 3

In addition, more shadow soldiers can be recruited to form a strong combat team.

Rational allocation of resources and training of key soldiers can maximize combat effectiveness at critical moments.

How to fight high difficulty

In the face of a difficult adventure level, you need to be fully prepared first.

Make sure your Shadow Warrior has enough combat power and resources, and is familiar with the terrain and enemy distribution of the level.

 Shadow War 4

In combat, various skills and tactics should be flexibly used, such as concentrated attack, decentralized combat, etc., to cope with different situations.

In addition, timely observe and analyze the enemy's mode of action, and make correct responses and decisions.

Game summary

In the shadow war, players will experience the fun of exploration and challenge. By selecting different professions and skills, unlock new abilities, defeat powerful monster leaders, discover hidden treasures, and constantly improve your own strength. With beautiful pictures and rich playing methods, every battle will be an exciting challenge.

Special instructions

Game information

  • manufacturer:
    Luming Studio
  • Package name:
  • MD5:

Screenshot of the game

  •  Shadow War 1
  •  Shadow War 2
  •  Shadow War 3

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Shadow War Android Mobile v1.0.11

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    Permission requirements

    Access network: Allow programs to access network connections, which may generate GPRS traffic

    Get network status: Allow getting network information status

    Automatic startup permission: Allow the program to start and run automatically

    Get WiFi status: Allow to obtain the current WiFi access status and WLAN hotspot information

    Wake up lock: Allow the background process to still run after the phone screen is turned off