Mobile version download in case of war | Android version v1.4 download in case of war _ Dangyou
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Play Android v1.4 if you want

Game type: Strategic tower defense | Game size: 40MB

Game language: Simplified Chinese | Updated: 2022-02-25

Related labels: Tower defence Warfare


Mobile version It is a strategy war game. In the game, the player will be the lord of a city. In order to resist the enemy's invasion, he needs to strengthen his own defense, recruit more soldiers, and form a strong army. Only by expanding his own army can he defend the enemy's offensive.

 The advantages of the Chinese version of the game

Game highlights

1. The prosperity of the city depends on your decision, and the freedom of the game is very high, without any restrictions;

2. The shells in the Middle Ages were cast in an arc, and there are more powerful weapons for you to choose;

3. Players need to choose a career adventure, and the playing methods of different professions are completely different.

Game features

1. The laws of physics will be completely reproduced in the game to allow players to immerse themselves in the medieval war to the maximum extent.

2. Each gun has a certain range, and shells in the Middle Ages were projected in an arc.

3. The arrows cannot penetrate the wall. On the contrary, they will bounce off the wall.

4. The archers on the tower have blind spots. Closing the gate is not only an obstacle for your enemies, but also for your retreating troops.

5. You may find some interesting facts about the nature of things, which will be useful for your fight.

Special instructions

Game information

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Screenshot of the game

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Tower Defense Tour

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Players will find the most interesting single tower defense mobile games to download. Tower defense mobile games have always been popular with players, especially some large Android single tower defense mobile games are very well made. Whether it is the effect and collocation of the tower, or the style of painting and sound effects, people can devote themselves to the game, The best tower defense game is the mobile tower defense mobile game ranking on Dangyou. com.

The war mobile games are a collection of mobile games specially prepared for mobile players who like war strategy games. Therefore, the mobile games provided here are all strategy games made with war as the theme, so players can command a barrage of battles by downloading the mobile games here.

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