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 Animal Forest Pocket Camping

The latest Android version of Pocket Camp v5.6.0

Game type: simulation of operation | Game size: 173MB

Game language: Simplified Chinese | Updated: 2024-03-28

Related labels: Version Q cure cultivate

Animal Forest Pocket Camping (Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp) is a very interesting mobile game with simple and lovely pictures. Each small scene can be taken as a wallpaper. All kinds of cute animals can realize the dream of making friends with rabbits, cats and dogs when you were young. Here you can play as you want. There is no main story in the game. The items on the island will change according to the season, and all kinds of scenes can be customized for players to build furniture and decorate their own bases, pick fruit, fish, catch insects, Then you can enhance your goodwill with other partners and create a dynamic world that belongs to you. There are thousands of furniture and hundreds of clothes in the game, so players can match them as they like. You can even invite your friends to join the game and go to the other party's camp to visit and take photos. In a word, everything here will be up to you. Players with all kinds of small animals they like should not miss the camping in the pockets of the Forest of Animals.

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 1

Game features

1. Furniture decoration system

The first is to make furniture. Where can I get the materials for making furniture? Please consult the little friend nearby. Of course, help him find the apple first. Make and place furniture.

2. Close partners

Let's talk with the animals nearby to improve our friendship, and then we will get a gift from them!

3. Collect materials

Continue to collect furniture materials! You can also meet lovely friends when catching butterflies, fishing, etc. Use the collected materials to complete further camp construction!

4. Market system

There is also a market near the Animal Forest Pocket Camp! Of course, the boss is also an animal partner. What can I buy? There are many categories. Let's take a look at campervans first.

5. Camper

Ask the penguins how to choose! The camper can not only choose the decoration, but also have double deckers inside! The second floor is just like this. But there is not enough money, so I have to borrow money... I will encounter some adventures when I go out, and what can fall from the tree

6. Social system

You can also contact and visit the administrators of other campsites to promote friendship. You can also get some clues and materials about the task during the conversation. You can visit each other whenever you become friends with him~

7. Face pinching system

The role you play can be male or female, and the shape can also be created by yourself!

8. Facility fabrication

The production cycle of recreational facilities such as swimming pools is also very long, so please be patient!

9. Internal purchase system

Leaf vouchers are a form of internal purchase system. There are many similar vouchers. They can quickly complete the construction and purchase of materials, which can make the camp better.

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 2

Game play

1. Savannah, tropical jungle, the world is so hot, "ride" to have a look!

2. Jungle bison, elephant earl, fried lion, bank parent giraffe, 80+odd pet and so on!

3. The forest of animals pocket camp to create its own zoo, from domestication, breeding to management, attracting tourists to earn gold coins!

4. 3D cartoon pixel style, a new "riding" adventure for women and real men!

5. Innovative operation, exquisite positioning+hand and eye diseases, experience the heart abuse and stimulation never before!

6. The painting style of the game is very simple and lovely, and each small scene can be screenshot as wallpaper.

7. Pick fruit, fish, catch insects, and then work with other partners to improve their popularity, build furniture and decorate their own base.

8. There are all kinds of animals you like, which can realize your dream of making friends with rabbits, cats and dogs when you were young!

How to obtain iron ore

Iron ore is a very important material in the "Forest of Animals" pocket camping game. Players can not only use the ore to make strange things and build stores, but also to sell or trade with players. Since the demand for iron ore in the game is very large, the amount obtained by digging stones is also relatively small. Here is a quick way to obtain iron ore.

1. We need to find a stone first, and pick up the weeds around the stone first, because the iron ore will fall when we hit it, and the weeds will occupy the place.

2. Don't eat, keep the state of zero, because if we eat, we will break the stone with a shovel, so we can't get the ore. Those who eat fruit should first consume it and cut down trees.

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 3

3. After picking up the weeds, we need to dig three big pits behind the place where we hit the stones, because we will have recoil force when we hit the stones, so as to avoid being unable to obtain ores for a long time.

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 4

4. Then hit the stone vigorously, because the big pit will offset our recoil. We can knock it 9 times in a row, and 8~9 minerals will appear on the stone. This ore mining mechanism is similar to that of Mario's gold coins from the top brick. If we do not stop jacking, we will produce more gold coins, as well as mining ores. Therefore, a big pit is very necessary. Is there a lot of efficiency in getting ore by knocking stones like this? We don't need to waste miles every day to exchange air tickets to go to the Material Island. We can basically collect ores in about 2-3 days, because iron ore is relatively easy to obtain, not as scarce as gold ore. With iron ore, we can build stores.

How to fish

In the Animal Forest Pocket Camp, fishing can be said to be a very addictive way of playing. Because there are many kinds of fish that can be caught in the game, and according to the rarity, the difficulty of fishing is also high and low. Here are the game's specific fishing strategies to help players understand the methods of making fishing rods and fishing tips.

1. First, a fishing rod must be prepared for fishing. The DIY material of the fishing rod is five branches. The way to get the branches is to pick them up on the island. If there are no branches, shake the trees and fall.

The step of fishing is to go to the river or the seaside and press A to throw the fishing rod. But one thing is that you must see the shadow of the fish before you can throw it. Don't foolishly wait in the river. It is completely impossible to catch it.

The other thing is to see the direction of the fish. If the fish is going upstream, it must be thrown in front of the fish and wait. If it is thrown behind the fish, the fish will not kill you.

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 5

2. Talk to the president and ask what we are going to do now. It will teach us the next step. We can come to DIY to make DIY. It's very convenient,

3. Go to find the materials first. We need to pick up 5 branches outside. There are many branches outside. You can make them after picking them up.

4. For simple fishing rod, we first select materials, and then click Make. Soon, we began to make trouble, and the simple fishing rod was made.

5. Finally, wait for the fish to get hooked. Generally, when the fish eats the bait, our handle will vibrate slightly, and it is difficult to catch the fish for the first one or two times. You can press A to finish the fishing after about three or four times of vibration, but the probability is still small.

6. Fishing really needs to test your patience. It's good to catch 10 fish, and maybe one or two catches. More practice may improve the catch rate, which depends on the players' proficiency.

How to cross the river

1. There are two ways to cross the river in the forest. The first is to build a bridge. You can spend money to build it at Yike. After the construction is completed, you can cross the river.

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 6

2. The second kind of pole vaulting pole is made. You can cross the river with a pole in your hand.

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 7

How to dive

 Animal Forest Pocket Camping 8

1. If you want to dive, you need to buy a diving suit.

2. If the player is not in a hurry, he can choose to buy it in the Lidian machine and receive the diving suit the next day.

3. If the player wants to go swimming before the next day, he can buy it in the nook store, and then he can get the diving suit.

4. When the player gets the diving suit, put it on his own body and then go to the seaside.

5. After the player arrives at the seaside, he can press the A key to swim in the water. At the same time, the player can press the Y key in the water to continue diving.

Update content


We've updated the game for spring!

The cutest bunny festival is about to start!

■ Other updates

・ A new naval gift has been added.

・ Add normal courses in Happy Classroom.

・ Adjust screen display and improve operation.


·The game balance has been adjusted.

·The screen display was adjusted and the operation was improved.


Thanks to such great players as you, Animal Forest: Pocket Camp Game will soon celebrate its sixth anniversary!

■ Change

·Prepare for future events.

Improved the highest level of animal friendship.

·Added restrictions on holding materials.

·Added new maps for Gulliver's boat, including a new style island.

·Adjust screen display and operation improvement.

Special instructions

Game information

  • manufacturer:
    Nintendo Co., Ltd.
  • Package name:
  • MD5:

Screenshot of the game

  •  Animal Forest Pocket Camping 1
  •  Animal Forest Pocket Camping 2
  •  Animal Forest Pocket Camping 3

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Q version of mobile tour

Of fifty-one Paragraph)

The Q version of mobile games is a cute game compiled for players. There will be various cute characters in the game, which are deeply loved by players. I believe that players will love this type of game, and players who like it should not miss it!

Among many mobile games today, there is such a type of game that can arouse people's yearning for a better life with the most touching and warm stories. Explore the beautiful experience brought by the natural beauty of human nature, which is no less than some games that focus on playing methods and game pictures. You don't need to put pressure on yourself to upgrade the role here. They exist to let players experience life better. This kind of mobile game is the cure mobile game.

Nurturance type mobile games are one of the most popular and popular types of games nowadays. Equipment, weapons, inscriptions, etc. can be raised to full graduation, especially the formation of roles. No matter men or women, many players will have a sense of achievement and joy from zero formation of wives, husbands, boyfriends, girls and sons, The pleasure of a novice growing up from cuteness to greatness is really unparalleled!

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