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 Pvz2 International Edition

Pvz2 international version official Android version v3.4.4

Game type: Leisure puzzle | Game size: 1.18GB

Game language: Simplified Chinese | Updated: 2024-06-06

Related labels: Go through the customs stand-alone corpse


Pvz2 International Edition It is the second game in the Zombie War series. In this game, players will plant plants in different maps to resist the invasion of zombies. The international version belongs to the original game, so the game interface will be in English.

Introduction to the game

 Picture of pvz2 international edition

As a sequel to the Bot Wars Zombie series, pvz2 international version has made certain changes in game settings. Players can obtain the number of stars through continuous victory. When they reach a certain number of stars, they can turn to unlock other interesting maps. In the game, each level will provide a fork for players. Different routes have different difficulty, Players can choose according to their abilities. In the international version, the player's plant power will be greater than that in the national service version, and there will be more interesting mission areas for players to challenge.

Game features

1. Every day, various exquisite gifts are sent online, and the use rights of various mysterious plants are unlocked through tasks.

2. The function of real-time online leaderboard is to participate in the challenge of endless mode, and see how many levels you can stick to.

3. The version of the international service, the fastest update speed, all the new play methods can be played in the first time.

How to bind an account

1. Install and open the game

 Picture of pvz2 international bound account

2. Click the setting button in the upper right corner of the game to set the interface

 Picture 2 of pvz2 international binding account

3. Click the cloud button in the lower left corner

 Picture 3 of pvz2 international binding account

4. Log in to your Google account to bind

How to make your own level

1. First find your JSON file, which is located in the folder of your international board. Open it with quickedit.

 Pvz2 international version self-made level

2. Change based on the fourth level of loss

 Pvz2 international version self-made checkpoint 2

3. Modify the text for entering the level first

 Pvz2 international version self-made checkpoint 3

4. Modify the plants that appear at the beginning. You can fill in the plants you want to have at the beginning,

 Pvz2 international version self-made checkpoint 4

5. This part of the code is for setting obstacles in the game.

 Pvz2 international version self-made checkpoint 5

How to obtain plant fragments

 Pvz2 international version picture 3

First of all, in order to get the Plant vs Zombie 2 fragments, we must experience the fight against the snowman zombie, because only after the fight against the snowman zombie monkey, there will be a chance to open the plant fragments in the gift bag! The snowman zombie is opened after passing the 8th level of mysterious Egypt, and it will refresh a treasure snowman every half hour. It can be played five times a day, free for the first time, and 2000 gold coins for each snowman after that. After killing the treasure snowman, you can get a lunch box. After opening it, you have a chance to get a kind of plant fragment randomly. (It should be noted that the first world will not drop plant debris from the second world. Please click this link to check the specific drop rate.)

So, how to quickly obtain the plant war zombie 2 fragments? The first way is to modify the time to brush the snowman infinitely, so that you can quickly get the fragments. The second way is to buy with diamonds! Of course, this is also the consumption level of local tycoons. Generally, players should not try.

 Picture 4 of pvz2 international version

Plant prices are as follows:

Ice shooter:

1. Collect 10 pieces of ice shooters and exchange them.

2. 400 diamonds (40 yuan RMB). Using the existing ice shooter's fragments, each can save 40 diamonds.

Fire torque stump:

1. Collect 10 pieces of fire torque stumps and exchange them.

2. 400 diamonds (40 yuan RMB). Use the fragments of the existing fire torque tree stumps to save 40 diamonds each.

Corn pitcher:

1. Collect 5 pieces of corn pitchers and exchange them.

2. 100 diamonds (10 yuan RMB). Use the fragments of the existing fire torque tree stumps to save 40 diamonds each.

Lightning Reed:

1. Collect 10 fragments of lightning reeds and exchange them.

2. 400 diamonds (40 yuan RMB). Use the existing fragments of lightning reeds to save 40 diamonds each.

Coconut Cannon:

1. Collect 10 pieces of coconut cannons and exchange them.

2. 400 diamonds (40 yuan RMB). Using the fragments of the existing coconut cannons, each can save 40 diamonds.

Watermelon pitcher:

1. Collect 5 pieces of watermelon pitchers and exchange them.

2. 100 diamonds (10 yuan RMB). Using the fragments of existing watermelon pitchers, each can save 40 diamonds.

Pea pods:

1. Collect 10 pieces of pea pods and exchange them.

2. 400 diamonds (40 yuan RMB). Using the fragments of the existing pea pods, each can save 40 diamonds.

Transformed eggplant:

1. Collect 10 pieces of transformed eggplant and exchange them.

2. 400 diamonds (40 yuan RMB). Use the existing pieces of transformed eggplant to save 40 diamonds each.

Game evaluation

This version not only provides the exchange of 400 diamonds (40 yuan RMB), but also the function of real-time online leaderboard, allowing me to compete with global players. In addition to challenging levels, I also like to collect various plant fragments to improve my game experience. The picture optimization and update speed of the international version of pvz2 make me look forward to exploring new maps and unlocking more mysterious plants every day.

In the game, I found that I could choose different routes and challenge endless modes according to my ability. This freedom made me deeply addicted to it. In addition to the fun of the game itself, there are various exquisite gifts sent online every day, which makes me feel the intention of the game team. As a sequel to the Bot Wars Zombie series, pvz2 International has made some improvements on the basis of retaining the features of the original game, bringing more surprises and challenges to players.

Update content


Fixed some known problems in the online version


The happiest festival, Children's Day, is coming again. "Plants vs Zombies 2" is ready to accompany everyone to spend this happiest festival! Dessert! Toys! Eggs! Many children's day play methods are ready, Dave invites everyone to join in this happy game!


Fixed problems related to the binding of the replacement


1. Fix the probability of jamming when using a swarm of bee artifacts

2. Repairing a swarm of bee artifacts does not automatically restore bullet bugs

3. Fix the problem that when there are too many small and medium-sized zombies in the electric eel banana, it is impossible to kill all of them in seconds

4. Repair the abnormal problem of the transformed eggplant dressing coupon

5. Optimize the effect of ice shooter's dress up moves

6. Optimize the fire breathing sound effect of gluttonous dragon grass


Unexpected linkage is coming! Shocked! Crazy Dave bravely broke into Kuzhou alone? A group of heroes turned into plants? A bunch of bees shot peas strangely? yes! You heard me right! The linkage of "Plants vs Zombies 2" x "Infernal Affairs" has been launched! A wave of new content is approaching... What are you waiting for? Plants vs Zombies 2, start!

Special instructions

Game information

  • manufacturer:
    Baokai Game Company
  • Package name:
  • Backup No.:
    Xiang B2-20100081-55A

Screenshot of the game

  •  Pvz2 International Edition 1
  •  Pvz2 International Edition 2
  •  Pvz2 International Edition 3
  •  Pvz2 International Edition4
  •  Pvz2 International Edition 5
  •  Pvz2 International Edition 6
  •  Pvz2 International Edition 7
  •  Pvz2 International Edition 8

Complete game

Of fifty-one Paragraph)

Players will find more than one game to download in the game series. In the mobile game, players will experience the super fun mobile game download. The game is a game form that has a long history and has been loved by players. Come and download it.


Complete game without network

Of fifty-one Paragraph)

Games that do not need the network are mostly stand-alone games. In short, players can open the game without the network, which is quite convenient for many players who like to play games in a stand-alone environment.

Mobile zombie games are a kind of mobile games with zombies as the theme. There are many excellent zombie games on the market. Next, I will introduce some interesting zombie games for you to learn about.

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