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The player's blood sacrifice "Ancient Scroll 5" NPC has reached 1000 times! Until the sixth generation came out

Time: 2024-06-16 14:03:55
  • Source: Foreign media
  • Author: 3DM Compilation
  • Edit: ocarina

Society B's masterpiece "Ancient Scroll 5" has been published for many years, but there has been no movement in the six generations. As early as 2018, a foreign player started the NPC plan of blood sacrifice "Ancient Scroll 5", which was ready to break through 1000 times until the six generations came out.

 The player's blood sacrifice "Ancient Scroll 5" NPC has reached 1000 times! Until the sixth generation came out

·However, the player's plan is not to kill indiscriminately, but to kill one person every day. The hapless NPC is Nazem. He lives in Hotland, which can be reached at the beginning of the game. The reason why he decided to kill him every day is that the NPC's personality setting is very annoying to players.

·Since 2018, Nazem has died thousands of times every day in a variety of ways. In addition, this cruel fate will continue until the release of Ancient Scroll 6. Here's a moment of silence.

 The player's blood sacrifice "Ancient Scroll 5" NPC has reached 1000 times! Until the sixth generation came out

 The player's blood sacrifice "Ancient Scroll 5" NPC has reached 1000 times! Until the sixth generation came out

seven point nine
already existing seven thousand two hundred and eighty-one Person rating You haven't scored yet!
  • Type: cosplay
  • Issued by: Bethesda Softworks
  • sale: 2016-10-28(PC)
  • development: Bethesda Game Studios
  • Language: Traditional Chinese | English | Japanese | Multinational
  • Platform: PC Switch XBOXONE
  • label: Magic plot Sneak in Open World classic XGP Game List

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