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Exploration of Spacecraft Management on the PC Platform of Space Odyssey

Time: 2024-06-16 10:47:31
  • Source: Official website
  • Author: 3DM Compilation
  • Edit: ocarina

Produno Games Studios produced and released a spaceship management and exploration space adventure game, "Space Odyssey" PC platform (Steam/Epic Games), which is not available in Chinese.

 Exploration of Spacecraft Management on the PC Platform of Space Odyssey

Space Odyssey: Steam address

In "A Space Odyssey", we travel through the universe through difficulties and dangers. This is a hard core science fiction spaceship simulation game, focusing on the construction of spaceships, interaction between crew members and exploration of the universe. Inspired by games such as Marginal World, Starship Theory, Dwarf Fortress and X-COM, as well as other film and television works such as Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate: The Universe and The Vast Sky.

Your mothership has been attacked by an unknown entity. Fortunately, several survivors managed to escape by escape capsule. Now, they are getting lost in loneliness and hunger. You must explore this space and guide them to find a new shelter.

 Exploration of Spacecraft Management on the PC Platform of Space Odyssey

 Exploration of Spacecraft Management on the PC Platform of Space Odyssey

 Exploration of Spacecraft Management on the PC Platform of Space Odyssey

 Exploration of Spacecraft Management on the PC Platform of Space Odyssey


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