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The release time of Eldon Fahuan: Shadow of the Golden Tree release the configuration requirements

Time: 2024-06-14 23:28:26
  • Source: official
  • Author: 3DM finishing
  • Edit: Carefree

Eldon Fahuan: Shadow of the Golden Tree will be officially launched on June 21, landing on PS4, PS5, XboxOne, XSX/S and PC platforms. The official release time of the game today. The national PC version will be unlocked at 6:00 a.m. on June 21, while the host version will be unlocked at 0:00 a.m.

 The release time of Eldon Fahuan: Shadow of the Golden Tree release the configuration requirements

In addition, the PC version configuration is also released. The minimum requirement is 1060 3G graphics card, and 1070 graphics card and 16G memory are recommended. It is worth noting that the hard disk requirement is 80G. See the following figure for details.

 The release time of Eldon Fahuan: Shadow of the Golden Tree release the configuration requirements

Eldon Circle DLC "Shadow of the Golden Tree" takes the place of shadow as the stage, and with a variety of new elements (thrilling underground maze, threatening enemies, and new weapons and armor, etc.), another story is interwoven. Explore the unknown, challenge difficulties, and enjoy the sense of achievement when overcoming difficulties. New DLC plot Independent of the ontology, players do not need to worry about the impact of the choice of the ontology story on the DLC experience.

eight point eight
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  • Type: Action game
  • Issued by: Bandai Namco
  • sale: 2022-02-25(PC)
  • development: From Software
  • Language: multinational
  • Platform: PC PS4 XBOXONE PS5 XboxSeriesX
  • label: plot Hard nucleus Soul like series

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