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40 billion a year: Apple's digital goods were taken off the shelves because of "Apple tax"

Time: 2024-06-14 18:35:16
  • Source: Fast technology
  • Author: snowflake
  • Edit: liyunfei

According to domestic media reports, "Apple tax" triggered the removal of digital goods from e-commerce platforms. stay In the official flagship store of iQiyi, Youku, Tencent Video, Baidu Netdisk, Himalayan FM and other live broadcast rooms, the words "Android phones are supported for ordering, and Apple phones cannot see the link" are marked in striking font.

 40 billion a year: Apple's digital goods were taken off the shelves because of "Apple tax"

In fact, it is not only all kinds of members who are unable to buy Apple phones, but also many knowledge bloggers have encountered similar problems in course sales not long ago.

A knowledge payment practitioner revealed that "this time it is not the platform that is suppressing knowledge payment, but Apple's" tax rate "of digital goods on e-commerce platforms."

The current situation is that on the short video platform, the purchase link of some virtual goods taking the "Little Yellow Car" has not been extracted "Apple Tax".

Therefore, when consumers purchase virtual services such as video members and online disk members on platforms other than the short video platform, payment platform, e-commerce platform and other APP stores, they are usually more likely to purchase virtual services such as video members and online disk members than those directly on Apple's APP Store is cheaper to buy, which is equivalent to 6-7% discount.

 40 billion a year: Apple's digital goods were taken off the shelves because of "Apple tax"

In fact, Apple did the same thing last year. In March 2023, Apple conducted an "off shelf action" against e-commerce platforms due to Apple tax.

At present, the proportion of 30% of China's "apple tax" is the highest in the world. In contrast, the rates in the EU, Japan and South Korea are lower than China's charging standards.

In 2023, the "Apple Tax" will bring Apple about 22.34 billion dollars in global revenue, equivalent to about 160.8 billion yuan, of which the Chinese market will contribute more than 40 billion yuan.

Behind the high Apple tax is the contribution of iPhone users. At present, many app service fees are more expensive for iPhone users than Android.

For example, when Chinese users of Apple mobile phones purchase Weibo membership services, the price they pay is 10 yuan more than that of Android users, and there are many similar things. No wonder Some users shouted that they hoped that the Chinese people would unite against the "Apple tax".

 40 billion a year: Apple's digital goods were taken off the shelves because of "Apple tax"


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