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A large number of new unpublished works, including "Imperial Air Battle 8", were leaked by actors' resumes

Time: 2024-06-14 17:01:40
  • Source: 3DM finishing
  • Author: 3DM finishing
  • Edit: Bursting fungi

According to netizens who are concerned about the leakage of the game, a voice actor named Mike Bodie disclosed a large number of game projects in his resume. Although in his introduction of the game projects he participated in, he used abbreviations to try to cover up the real names of these projects still under the confidentiality agreement, but under the analysis of players, almost all of them have been speculated and found. Mike has deleted the page since.

This British actor has previously performed a lot of English dubbing for many end games and mobile games, including Heart of Atom, Harvest Day 3, Stand by, Sword and Expedition: Departure, etc.

At present, some main games include:

·"AC8": The company is the Nanmeng Palace of Ten Thousand Generations. The abbreviation of AC has two possibilities: "Armored Core" and "Imperial Air Battle", but the latest work of "Armored Core" is 6 generations, so it can only be "Imperial Air Battle 8". The date is 2025.

 A large number of new unpublished works, including "Imperial Air Battle 8", were leaked by actors' resumes

·"D82": The company is Supermassive Games, the developer of Black Album series. There is a rumored "Black Album" game under development, called "Direct 8020 ", the abbreviation is correct. The date is 2025.

 A large number of new unpublished works, including "Imperial Air Battle 8", were leaked by actors' resumes

·"OAHU": The company is Gearbox. Although it has not been determined yet, some players think it is likely to be "Land Without Owners 4". The date is 2025.

·"DE X M2": The company is Marvelous, probably the second work of DAEMON X MACHINA, with the subtitle of "Titanic Scion". This game has been released but has no public release time. Dated 2025.

 A large number of new unpublished works, including "Imperial Air Battle 8", were leaked by actors' resumes

·"HOTD2": The company is Forever Entertainment, which should be a remake of House of the Dead from the perspective of abbreviation. The game has also been released to some extent. Dated 2024.

 A large number of new unpublished works, including "Imperial Air Battle 8", were leaked by actors' resumes

In addition, the "CWRKRV" launched by InXile, that is, the published Clockwork Revolution, is marked in 2025, but the game is planned to be released this year, so it is possible that the game has been postponed.

There are many other works that have been published, including Fable of God and Ghost 4 ("F4", 2025), World of Warcraft: Battle of the Earth Center ("WOW-TWW", 2024), etc.

 A large number of new unpublished works, including "Imperial Air Battle 8", were leaked by actors' resumes

He also dubbed a character named "Jimmy" in the update of "Star Citizen" that may be launched in 2025. Considering that there are few new characters with specific names in the "Star Citizen" MMO, it is likely that this is the previously announced Petrostar NPC, but it may also be the role that has been announced in the improved "Squadron 42" stand-alone campaign.


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